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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing NIV

CARNIVALcarnival n. Any of a number of festivals held just before the beginning of Lent.
carnival n. A festive occasion marked by parades and sometimes special foods and other entertainment.
carnival n. (US) A traveling amusement park, called a funfair in British English.
CONNIVEDconnived v. Simple past tense and past participle of connive.
CONNIVE v. to plot or conspire.
CONNIVERconniver n. A person who connives.
CONNIVER n. one who connives.
CONNIVESconnives v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of connive.
CONNIVE v. to plot or conspire.
MINIVANSminivans n. Plural of minivan.
minivans v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of minivan.
MINIVAN n. a small van.
MINIVERSminivers n. Plural of miniver.
MINIVER n. the ermine in winter coat, also MINEVER.
MINIVETSminivets n. Plural of minivet.
MINIVET n. a brightly coloured shrike-like bird.
NIVATIONnivation n. (Geology) Erosion caused by freezing and thawing due to snow.
NIVATION n. weathering of rock when snow alternately freezes and thaws.
OMNIVORAOMNIVORA n. omnivores as a group.
OMNIVOREomnivore n. An animal which is able to consume both plants (like a herbivore) and meat (like a carnivore).
OMNIVORE n. an omnivorous person or animal, one that feeds on both animal and vegetable food.
OMNIVORYomnivory n. The consumption of both animal and plant matter, or of material from multiple trophic levels; the act…
OMNIVORY n. a practice of eating both animal and vegetable foods.
SNIVELEDsniveled v. Simple past tense and past participle of snivel.
SNIVEL v. to cry or whine with sniffling.
SNIVELERsniveler n. One who snivels.
sniveler n. (Derogatory) A person who whines and complains about small matters.
SNIVELER n. one who snivels, also SNIVELLER.
SNIVELLYsnivelly adj. Having a runny nose.
snivelly adj. Pitiful; whining.
SNIVELLY adj. given to snivelling, also SNIVELY.
UNIVALVEunivalve adj. Having one valve; typically used to refer to mollusks, notably slugs and snails.
univalve adj. Consisting of a single valve or piece, used to refer to a shell.
univalve n. A univalve mollusk or its shell.
UNIVERSEuniverse prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of Universe; Our universe.
universe n. The sum of everything that exists in the cosmos.
universe n. An entity similar to our universe; one component of a larger entity known as the multiverse.
UNIVOCALunivocal adj. Having only one possible meaning.
univocal adj. Containing instances of only one vowel; univocalic.
univocal adj. Having unison of sound, as the octave has in music.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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