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There are 15 eight-letter words containing NGH

BUNGHOLEbunghole n. Alternative spelling of bung-hole.
bung-hole n. A hole in a vessel, such as a cask, that may be stopped with a bung.
bung-hole n. (Vulgar, slang) The anus.
DINGHIESdinghies n. Plural of dinghy.
DINGHY n. a small open boat, prepared by oars, sails or an outboard motor, also DINGEY, DINGY.
DUNGHEAPdungheap n. Alternative spelling of dung heap.
dung-heap n. Alternative form of dungheap.
dung␣heap n. A mound of animal droppings for agricultural use.
DUNGHILLdunghill n. A heap of dung, especially one for agricultural purposes.
dunghill n. (Figurative, derogatory) Any wretchedly mean, dirty or loathsome place, situation or condition.
dung-hill n. Alternative form of dunghill.
GINGHAMSginghams n. Plural of gingham.
GINGHAM n. (Malay) a striped cotton fabric.
KINGHOODkinghood n. The quality or state of being a king; kingship.
kinghood n. The state of being a king.
KINGHOOD n. the office of a king.
LONGHAIRlonghair n. A person with hair longer than the norm, especially someone viewed as bohemian, non-conventional or a hippie.
longhair n. A person with a deep interest in the classical arts, especially music.
longhair n. A person considered to have excessively refined taste for the arts.
LONGHANDlonghand n. The written characters used in the common method of writing; opposed to shorthand, or typing or printing; handwriting.
longhand adv. Written by hand in normal characters, as opposed to shorthand.
longhand adv. Written by hand (with pen or pencil), rather than printed out; handwritten.
LONGHEADLONGHEAD n. a person having a long skull.
LONGHORNlonghorn n. A breed of beef cattle, having long horns, bred in Texas and other parts of southwest United States.
LONGHORN n. one of a breed of long-horned cattle.
RINGHALSringhals n. Alternative form of rinkhals.
RINGHALS n. (South African) an African snake that spits its venom, also RINKHALS.
SANGHATSSANGHAT n. (Punjabi) a fellowship or assembly, esp. a local Sikh community or congregation.
SHANGHAIshanghai v. (Transitive) To force or trick someone to go somewhere or do something against their will or interest, particularly.
shanghai v. (Transitive) To commandeer, hijack, or otherwise (usually wrongfully) appropriate a place or thing.
shanghai n. (Often capitalized, dated) A breed of chicken with large bodies, long legs, and feathered shanks.
SPANGHEWspanghew v. (Transitive, Scotland, Northern England, rare, said especially of frogs and toads) To strike and cause…
spanghew v. ‘to inflate a frog and bowl it across the surface of a pond’.
SPANGHEW v. (dialect) to fling into the air.
TANGHINSTANGHIN n. (Malagasy) a Madagascan poison formerly used to test the guilt of someone suspected of a crime.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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