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There are 15 eight-letter words containing NAE

ANAEMIASanaemias n. Plural of anaemia.
anæmias n. Plural of anæmia.
ANAEMIA n. a disorder of the blood, also ANEMIA.
ANAEROBEanaerobe n. An anaerobic organism; one that does not require oxygen to sustain its metabolic processes.
ANAEROBE n. an organism that lives in absence of free oxygen.
ANTENNAEantennae n. Plural of antenna.
antennæ n. Plural of antenna.
ANTENNA n. (Latin) a feeler in insects.
ECHIDNAEechidnae n. Plural of echidna.
ECHIDNA n. the spiny anteater.
GYNAECEAgynaecea n. Plural of gynaeceum. Alternative form of gynæcea.
gynæcea n. Plural of gynæceum.
GYNAECEUM n. the pistil of a flower, also GYNECIUM, GYNAECIUM.
GYNAECIAgynaecia n. Plural of gynaecium.
GYNAECIUM n. the pistil of a flower, also GYNECIUM, GYNAECEUM.
INFAUNAEinfaunae n. Plural of infauna.
INFAUNA n. (Latin) fauna living on a soft sea floor.
LERNAEANLernaean n. Alternative form of Lernean.
Lernaean adj. Alternative form of Lernean.
LERNAEAN adj. in Greek myth relating to Lerna, the swamp or lake near Argos in which dwelt the Hydra which Hercules slew.
LIMNAEIDLIMNAEID n. a member of the family of pond-snails.
NAETHINGNAETHING n. (Scots) nothing.
PATINAEDpatinaed adj. Having a patina.
PATINAED adj. having a patina.
PERSONAEpersonae n. Plural of persona (alternative spelling of personæ).
personæ n. Plural of persona.
PERSONA n. (Latin) a character in a literary work or a public role.
PISCINAEpiscinae n. Plural of piscina.
PISCINA n. (Latin) a basin used in certain church ceremonies.
SAPHENAEsaphenae n. Plural of saphena.
SAPHENA n. (Latin) a large vein in the leg.
SARCINAESARCINA n. a spherical bacterium.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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