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There are 8 seven-letter words containing NUG

LANUGOSlanugos n. Plural of lanugo.
LANUGO n. (Latin) a woolly down, esp. covering the human fetus.
NUGGARSnuggars n. Plural of nuggar.
NUGGAR n. (Arabic) a large boat used to carry cargo on the Nile.
NUGGETSnuggets n. Plural of nugget.
NUGGET v. to polish shoes or boots.
NUGGETYnuggety adj. Full of nuggets.
nuggety adj. Having the characteristics of a nugget.
nuggety adj. (Of a person) Short, stocky, and powerful.
SNUGGEDsnugged v. Simple past tense and past participle of snug.
SNUG v. to lie close.
SNUGGERsnugger n. (Medicine) A threaded plastic tube used to clamp blood vessels during surgery.
snugger n. A ring that fits tightly around a cable, rope or wire, holding it in place or preventing leakage around…
snugger n. Moveable brackets for keeping small items secure on a shelf.
SNUGGLEsnuggle n. An affectionate hug.
snuggle n. The final remnant left in a liquor bottle.
snuggle v. (Transitive, intransitive) To lie close to another person or thing, hugging or being cosy.
SNUGGLYsnuggly adj. (Informal) Cuddly; pleasant to snuggle with.
snuggly adj. (Informal) Fond of snuggling.
snuggly adv. (Nonstandard) Alternative spelling of snugly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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