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There are 15 seven-letter words containing NUC

EUNUCHSeunuchs n. Plural of eunuch.
EUNUCH n. a castrated man.
KNUCKLEknuckle n. Any of the joints between the phalanges of the fingers.
knuckle n. (By extension) A mechanical joint.
knuckle n. A cut of meat.
KNUCKLYknuckly adj. Knucklelike.
knuckly adj. Having prominent knuckles.
KNUCKLY adj. having prominent knuckles.
NUCELLInucelli n. Plural of nucellus.
NUCELLUS n. (Latin) the mass of tissues within the integuments of a plant's ovule, containing the embryo sac.
NUCHALSnuchals n. Plural of nuchal.
NUCHAL n. the nape of the neck, also NUCHA.
NUCLEALnucleal adj. Relating to a nucleus; nuclear.
NUCLEAL adj. of or like a nucleus.
NUCLEARnuclear adj. Pertaining to the nucleus of an atom.
nuclear adj. Involving energy released by nuclear reactions (fission, fusion, radioactive decay).
nuclear adj. Relating to a weapon that derives its force from rapid release of energy through nuclear reactions.
NUCLEICnucleic adj. Referring to the nucleus of something.
NUCLEIC adj. as in nucleic acid, a class of acid including those in DNA and RNA.
NUCLEINnuclein n. (Biochemistry) A phosphorus-rich protein found in the nucleus of a cell, later specifically nucleohistone…
NUCLEIN n. a protein found in cell nuclei.
NUCLEONnucleon n. A proton (uud) or a neutron (udd).
NUCLEON n. a general name for a neutron or proton.
NUCLEUSnucleus n. The core, central part of something, around which other elements are assembled.
nucleus n. An initial part or version that will receive additions.
nucleus n. (Chemistry, physics) The massive, positively charged central part of an atom, made up of protons and neutrons.
NUCLIDEnuclide n. (Physics) An atomic nucleus specified by its atomic number and atomic mass.
NUCLIDE n. an atom of specified atomic number and mass number, also NUCLEIDE.
NUCULESnucules n. Plural of nucule.
NUCULE n. the stone of a fleshy fruit.
PENUCHEpenuche n. A fudge made from brown sugar, butter, milk, and often nuts.
PENUCHE n. (Spanish) a fudge-like candy, also PENOCHE, PENUCHI.
PENUCHIpenuchi n. Alternative form of penuche.
PENUCHI n. (Spanish) a fudge-like candy, also PENUCHE, PENOCHE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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