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There are 13 seven-letter words containing NUB

KNUBBLEknubble n. A small knob; a knobble.
KNUBBLE v. to beat with the fists, also KNOBBLE, NUBBLE.
KNUBBLYknubbly adj. Knobbly.
KNUBBLY adj. having little lumps, also NUBBY, KNUBBY.
NUBBERSnubbers n. Plural of nubber.
NUBBER n. in baseball, a weakly hit ball.
NUBBIERnubbier adj. Comparative form of nubby: more nubby.
NUBBY adj. having small protuberances, also NUBBLY.
NUBBINGnubbing v. Present participle of nub.
NUBBING n. an execution by hanging.
NUBBINSnubbins n. Plural of nubbin.
NUBBIN n. a stunted or imperfect ear of maize etc.; (figurative) a residual part, a stub, a stump.
NUBBLEDnubbled adj. Containing nubbles.
nubbled v. Simple past tense and past participle of nubble.
NUBBLE v. to beat with the fists, also KNUBBLE, KNOBBLE.
NUBBLESnubbles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nubble.
NUBBLE v. to beat with the fists, also KNUBBLE, KNOBBLE.
NUBUCKSnubucks n. Plural of nubuck.
NUBUCK n. a type of leather with a velvety finish.
SNUBBEDsnubbed v. Simple past tense and past participle of snub.
SNUB v. to treat with contempt or neglect.
SNUBBERsnubber n. A device used to suppress ("snub") voltage transients in electrical systems, pressure transients in…
snubber n. (Rare) One who snubs.
SNUBBER n. a device for stopping a rope; a shock absorber.
SNUBBESSNUBBE n. (archaic) a snub.
SNUBFINsnubfin n. A dolphin, Orcaella heinsohni, that lives in northern Australian waters.
SNUBFIN adj. as in snubfin dolphin, a species of dolphin with a small stubby dorsal fin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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