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There are 17 seven-letter words containing NSA

ANSATEDansated adj. Having a handle.
ANSATED adj. having a handle, also ANSATE.
DANSAKSdansaks n. Plural of dansak.
DANSAK n. (Urdu) any of a variety of Indian dishes consisting of meat or vegetables braised with water or stock and lentils, also DHANSAK.
DHANSAKdhansak n. An Indian curry with lentils, vegetables, spices, cumin seeds, ginger, and garlic together with meat…
DHANSAK n. (Urdu) any of a variety of Indian dishes consisting of meat or vegetables braised with water or stock and lentils, also DANSAK.
GAINSAYgainsay v. (Transitive, formal) To say something in contradiction to.
GAINSAY v. to deny or contradict.
INSANERinsaner adj. Comparative form of insane: more insane.
INSANE adj. mentally unsound.
INSANIEINSANIE n. (Shakespeare) insanity.
LINSANGlinsang n. Any of the members of two catlike Asian animal species classified in the mammalian family Prionodontidae.
linsang n. Any of the members of two superficially catlike African animal species classified in the mammalian family Viverridae.
LINSANG n. (Javanese) a civetlike animal of Borneo.
MANSARDmansard adj. (Of a roof) having two slopes on each side, the lower being steeper than the upper.
mansard n. A mansard roof.
mansard n. The upper storey of a building, surrounded by such a roof.
RANSACKransack v. (Transitive) To loot or pillage. See also sack.
ransack v. (Transitive) To make a vigorous and thorough search of (a place, person) with a view to stealing something…
ransack v. (Archaic) To examine carefully; to investigate.
SANSARSSansars n. Plural of Sansar.
SANSAR n. a cold, whistling wind, also SARSAR.
SENSATEsensate adj. Perceived by one or more of the senses.
sensate adj. Having the ability to sense things physically.
sensate adj. Felt or apprehended through a sense, or the senses.
SPONSALsponsal adj. (Obsolete) Relating to marriage, or to a spouse; spousal.
SPONSAL adj. relating to sponsalia, nuptial.
UNSAFERunsafer adj. Comparative form of unsafe: more unsafe.
UNSAFE adj. not safe.
UNSAINTunsaint v. To deprive of sainthood.
UNSAINT v. to divest of saintliness.
UNSATEDunsated adj. Not sated.
unsated adj. Insatiable. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
UNSATED adj. not sated.
UNSAVEDunsaved adj. Not saved; unredeemed.
unsaved adj. (Computing) Not saved (stored in a file).
unsaved v. Simple past tense and past participle of unsave.
UNSAWEDunsawed adj. Not sawed.
UNSAWED adj. not sawed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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