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There are 16 seven-letter words containing NOP

ANOPIASanopias n. Plural of anopia.
ANOPIA n. a visual defect, an upward squint, also ANOOPSIA, ANOPSIA.
ANOPSIAanopsia n. (Ophthalmology) A defect in the visual field.
ANOPSIA n. a visual defect, an upward squint, also ANOOPSIA, ANOPIA.
CANOPICcanopic adj. (Rare) Relating to a forest canopy.
canopic adj. Alternative form of Canopic (“from the ancient city of Canopus”).
Canopic adj. From or relating to the ancient city of Canopus in northern Egypt.
GONOPHSgonophs n. Plural of gonoph.
GONOPODgonopod n. (Zoology) A pleopod that is specialized for fertilisation in the males of some decapods.
gonopod n. (Entomology) A clasping structure, possibly also evolved from legs, at the tip of the abdomen of some male insects.
GONOPOD n. either of a pair of appendages that are the external reproductive organs of insects.
KNOPPEDknopped adj. (Obsolete) Having knops or knobs; fastened as with buttons.
KNOPPED adj. having a knop.
MONOPODmonopod n. A portable stand with one leg, used to support a camera or telescope.
monopod n. Someone or something that has only one foot or foot-like projection; especially, a mythological dwarf-like…
MONOPOD n. a one-footed person of fabulous Ethiopian race, with foot large enough to be a sunshade, also MONOPODE.
NOPALESnopales n. (Plural only) The leaves of a prickly pear cactus, as used in Mexican cooking.
NOPAL n. (Nahuatl) a Central American cactus plant, on which the cochineal insect feeds, and from which it is collected.
NOPLACEnoplace adv. (US, informal) Nowhere.
no␣place n. (In bibliographies) indicates that a document has no place of publication shown on the document and…
no␣place n. (Often preceded by "had" or "has") indicates that an anterior subject does not belong in a particular…
PANOPLYpanoply n. A splendid display of something.
panoply n. (By extension, historical) A collection or display of weaponry.
panoply n. Ceremonial garments, complete with all accessories.
SANNOPSsannops n. Plural of sannop.
SANNOP n. (Native American) a married male in North American Indian societies, also SANNUP.
SENOPIAsenopia n. The apparent reversal of presbyopia in an elderly person, caused by swelling of the lens of the eye.
SENOPIA n. improvement of near vision occurring during the aging process.
SINOPIAsinopia n. A reddish-brown ochre-like pigment, derived from sinople, used in traditional oil painting and as the…
sinopia n. (Art) The rough sketch (executed in sinopia) which underlies a fresco.
SINOPIA n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIS.
SINOPIEsinopie n. Plural of sinopia.
SINOPIA n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIS.
SINOPISsinopis n. The pigment sinopia.
SINOPIS n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIA.
XENOPUSXenopus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pipidae – the clawed frogs. The best known species is Xenopus laevis…
XENOPUS n. a frog native to southern Africa.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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