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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing NFL

CONFLUXconflux n. A merger of rivers, or the place where rivers merge.
conflux n. A convergence or moving gathering of forces, people, or things.
CONFLUX n. a flowing together of streams.
CORNFLYCORNFLY n. the goutfly.
ENFLAMEenflame v. Alternative spelling of inflame.
ENFLAME v. (obsolete) to inflame, also INFLAME.
ENFLESHenflesh v. (Obsolete, transitive) To clothe with flesh.
ENFLESH v. to turn into flesh.
INFLAMEinflame v. (Transitive) To set on fire; to kindle; to cause to burn, flame, or glow.
inflame v. (Transitive, figuratively) To kindle or intensify (a feeling, as passion or appetite); to excite to…
inflame v. (Transitive) To provoke (a person) to anger or rage; to exasperate; to irritate; to incense; to enrage.
INFLATEinflate v. (Transitive) To enlarge an object by pushing air (or a gas) into it; to raise or expand abnormally.
inflate v. (Intransitive) To enlarge by filling with air (or a gas).
inflate v. (Figurative) To swell; to puff up.
INFLECTinflect v. (Transitive) To cause to curve inwards.
inflect v. (Transitive, music) To change the tone or pitch of the voice when speaking or singing.
inflect v. (Transitive, grammar) To vary the form of a word to express tense, gender, number, mood, etc.
INFLICTinflict v. To thrust upon; to impose.
INFLICT v. to impose on.
INFLOWSinflows n. Plural of inflow.
INFLOW n. the act of flowing in.
ONFLOWSonflows n. Plural of onflow.
ONFLOW n. a flowing on.
RUNFLATrunflat adj. Alternative form of run-flat.
run-flat adj. (Automotive) Of a pneumatic tyre/tire: designed to resist the effects of deflation when punctured, and…
RUNFLAT n. a tyre able to run after being punctured.
UNFLESHunflesh v. (Transitive) To strip of flesh; to reduce to a skeleton.
UNFLESH v. to remove the flesh from.
UNFLUSHunflush v. (Intransitive) To lose a flush of colour.
UNFLUSH v. to lose colour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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