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There are 16 seven-letter words containing NEO

AENEOUSaeneous adj. Bronze-colored.
æneous adj. Alternative form of aeneous.
AENEOUS adj. (Latin) of a shining bronze colour, also AENEUS.
BORNEOLborneol n. (Organic chemistry) A bicyclic organic compound and a terpene, easily oxidized to the ketone yielding camphor.
BORNEOL n. an alcohol used in perfumes, also BORNYL.
CINEOLEcineole n. (Organic chemistry) The monoterpenoid ether eucalyptol.
CINEOLE n. a liquid used as an antiseptic, also CINEOL.
CINEOLScineols n. Plural of cineol.
CINEOL n. a liquid used as an antiseptic, also CINEOLE.
IGNEOUSigneous adj. Pertaining to or having the nature of fire; containing fire; resembling fire.
igneous adj. (Geology) Resulting from, or produced by, great heat. With rocks, it could also mean formed from lava or magma.
IGNEOUS adj. of rock, formed by cooling and consolidation of magma.
MINEOLAmineola n. Alternative form of minneola.
Mineola prop.n. Any of several towns in the North America…
MINEOLA n. a variety of citrus fruit developed from a tangerine and a grapefruit, also MINNEOLA.
NEOCONSneocons n. Plural of neocon.
neo-cons n. Plural of neo-con.
NEOCON n. (short for) a neoconservative.
NEOGENENeogene adj. (Geology) Of a geologic period within the Cenozoic era; comprises the Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene…
Neogene prop.n. (Geology) The Neogene period.
NEOGENE adj. relating to the Miocene or Pliocene epochs.
NEOLITHneolith n. A stone implement from the Neolithic era.
NEOLITH n. an ancient stone implement.
NEOLOGYneology n. The study or art of neologizing (creating new words).
neology n. (Obsolete) The holding of novel or rational religious views.
NEOLOGY n. a new word, phrase or doctrine; a new use of an established word, also NEOLOGISM.
NEONATEneonate n. A newborn infant; recently born baby.
NEONATE n. a newborn child.
NEOSOULneo-soul n. (Music) Alternative form of neo soul.
neo␣soul n. (Music) A subgenre of rhythm and blues that combines the elements of contemporary rhythm and blues…
NEOSOUL n. a style of popular music combining traditional soul music with elements from other genres.
NEOTENYneoteny n. (Biology) The retention of juvenile characteristics in the adult.
neoteny n. (Biology) The sexual maturity of an organism still in its larval stage.
NEOTENY n. attainment of sexual maturity in the larval stage.
NEOTYPEneotype n. (Taxonomy) A new specimen of a previously described species which, in order to maintain nomenclatural…
NEOTYPE n. a specimen selected to serve as the nomenclatural type as long as the original material is missing.
REJONEOrejoneo n. The art of bullfighting on horseback using a lance.
REJONEO n. (Spanish) the art of bullfighting on horseback using rejones.
RONEOEDRoneoed v. Simple past tense and past participle of Roneo.
RONEO v. (tradename) to produce copies on a Roneo, an early duplicating machine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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