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There are 20 seven-letter words containing NEC

CONNECTconnect v. (Intransitive, of an object) To join (to another object): to attach, or to be intended to attach or…
connect v. (Intransitive, of two objects) To join: to attach, or to be intended to attach or capable of attaching, to each other.
connect v. (Intransitive, of a blow) To arrive at an intended target; to land.
DORNECKDORNECK n. a heavy linen fabric, also DORNICK, DORNOCK.
FENNECSfennecs n. Plural of fennec.
FENNEC n. (Arabic) the desert fox.
GYNECIAgynecia n. Plural of gynecium.
GYNECIUM n. the pistil of a flower, also GYNAECEUM, GYNAECIUM, GYNOECIUM.
GYNECICgynecic adj. (Archaic) gynecological.
GYNECIC adj. relating to a gynecium, the pistil of a flower.
LINECUTlinecut n. A print obtained from a line drawing; a line engraving.
LINECUT n. a type of printing plate.
NECKERSneckers n. Plural of necker.
Neckers prop.n. Plural of Necker.
NECKER n. a person who indulges in amorous fondling with another.
NECKINGnecking v. Present participle of neck.
necking n. A behavior among male giraffes where they hold combat for social dominance using their necks as weapons.
necking n. (Architecture) A neckmould.
NECKLETnecklet n. A necklace.
necklet n. A type of ornament worn tightly about the neck.
NECKLET n. an ornament for wearing round the neck.
NECKTIEnecktie n. A strip of cloth worn around the neck and tied in the front. See also bowtie.
NECKTIE n. a strip of fabric worn around the neck.
NECROSEnecrose v. (Intransitive, pathology) To become necrotic.
NECROSE v. to affect with necrosis.
NECTARSnectars n. Plural of nectar.
NECTAR n. a delicious drink.
NECTARYnectary n. (Botany) A gland that secretes nectar.
NECTARY n. a gland in a flower which produces sugary fluid (nectar) to attract insects.
SENECASSenecas n. Plural of Seneca.
SENECA n. a North American milkwort, or its root, used medicinally, also SENEGA.
SENECIOsenecio n. (Botany) Any of the plants of the genus Senecio.
Senecio prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asteraceae – groundsel or ragwort.
SENECIO n. (Latin) any plant of the genus Senecio, that includes groundsels and ragworts.
SNECKEDsnecked v. Simple past tense and past participle of sneck.
SNECK v. (Scots) to fasten with a latch.
TRANECTTRANECT n. (Shakespeare) a ferry.
UNSNECKunsneck v. (Transitive) To unlatch or unlock.
UNSNECK v. to undo the sneck of.
WRYNECKwryneck n. Either of two small woodpeckers, Jynx torquilla and Jynx ruficollis, of the Old World, that turn their…
wryneck n. (Medicine, dated) A twisted or distorted neck; a deformity in which the neck is drawn to one side by…
WRYNECK n. either of two birds of the genus Jynx, characterized by their habit of twisting and writhing the neck when disturbed.
ZARNECSZARNEC n. (Arabic) a native sulphide of arsenic, also ZARNICH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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