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There are 15 six-letter words containing NSU

CENSUScensus n. An official count or enumeration of members of a population (not necessarily human), usually residents…
census n. Count, tally.
census v. (Transitive) To conduct a census on.
CONSULconsul n. (Historical) Either of the two heads of government and state of the Roman Republic or the equivalent…
consul n. (Historical) Any of the three heads of government and state of France between 1799 and 1804.
consul n. (Obsolete) A count or earl.
ENSUEDensued v. Simple past tense and past participle of ensue.
ENSUE v. to follow, also ENSEW.
ENSUESensues v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ensue.
ENSUE v. to follow, also ENSEW.
ENSUREensure v. (Transitive) To make a pledge to (someone); to promise, guarantee (someone of something); to assure.
ensure v. (Intransitive) To make sure or certain of something (usually some future event or condition).
ENSURE v. to make sure.
FANSUBfansub n. Subtitles translated by amateurs.
fansub v. (Intransitive) To translate subtitles as an amateur.
FANSUB n. the subtitling of foreign, esp. animated, films by fans.
INSULAinsula n. (Historical) A block of buildings in a Roman town.
insula n. (Neuroanatomy) A structure of the human brain located within the lateral sulcus.
INSULA n. (Latin) a Roman block of buildings.
INSULTinsult v. (Transitive) To be insensitive, insolent, or rude to (somebody); to affront or demean (someone).
insult v. (Transitive, also figuratively, obsolete) To assail, assault, or attack; (specifically, military) to…
insult v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To behave in an obnoxious and superior manner (against or over someone).
INSUREinsure v. (Transitive) To provide for compensation if some specified risk occurs. Often agreed by policy (contract)…
insure v. (Intransitive) To deal in such contracts; subscribe to a policy of insurance.
insure v. (Chiefly US, transitive, dated) Alternative spelling of ensure; to make sure or certain of; guarantee.
PENSUMpensum n. (Dated) A task or imposition set as a school punishment.
PENSUM n. (Latin) a task; a school imposition.
SENSUMSENSUM n. (Latin) an object of sensation.
UNSUITunsuit v. (Transitive, obsolete) To fail to suit; to be unfit for.
UNSUIT v. to make unsuitable.
UNSUNGunsung adj. Which has not been lauded or appreciated.
unsung adj. Not sung.
UNSUNG adj. not sung.
UNSUNKunsunk adj. Not having been sunk.
UNSUNK adj. not sunk.
UNSUREunsure adj. Uncertain.
unsure adj. Unstable or precarious.
UNSURE adj. not sure.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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