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There are 10 six-letter words containing NOB

BONOBObonobo n. The pygmy chimpanzee, Pan paniscus, from Africa south of the Congo river.
BONOBO n. a chimpanzee-like primate.
HOBNOBhobnob n. (Obsolete) A toast made while touching glasses together.
hobnob n. A drinking together.
hobnob n. An informal chat.
KNOBBYknobby adj. Resembling a knob.
knobby adj. Having many knobs or knob-like projections.
KNOBBY adj. full of knobs.
NANOBEnanobe n. (Geology, geochemistry, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, microscopy) A structure similar in appearance…
NANOBE n. a very small microbe.
NOBBLEnobble v. (Britain, Australia, slang) To injure or obstruct intentionally.
nobble v. (Britain, slang) To gain influence by corrupt means or intimidation.
nobble v. (Britain, slang) To steal.
NOBBUTnobbut adv. (UK, northern) nothing but; only; just.
NOBBUT adj. (dialect) only, except; nothing but.
NOBLERnobler adj. Comparative form of noble: more noble.
NOBLE adj. possessing qualities of excellence.
NOBLESnobles n. Plural of noble.
Nobles prop.n. A surname.
Nobles prop.n. An unincorporated community in Henry County, Tennessee, United States.
NOBODYnobody pron. Not any person; the logical negation of somebody.
nobody n. Someone who is not important or well-known.
NOBODY n. an unimportant person.
SNOBBYsnobby adj. Characteristic of a snob.
SNOBBY adj. snobbish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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