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There are 11 six-letter words containing NFU

CANFULcanful n. As much as a can will hold.
CANFUL n. as much as a can hold.
DINFULdinful adj. Full of din; noisy.
DINFUL adj. full of din.
INFULAinfula n. A fillet of white wool, worn on the head by ancient Roman priests.
infula n. A head covering worn by early Christian priests.
infula n. A ribbon on a bishop’s mitre.
INFUSEinfuse v. (Transitive) To cause to become an element of something; to insert or fill.
infuse v. (Transitive) To steep in a liquid, so as to extract the soluble constituents (usually medicinal or herbal).
infuse v. (Transitive) To inspire; to inspirit or animate; to fill (with).
MANFULmanful adj. Showing the characteristics considered typical of a man; macho or manly.
manful adj. (By extension) Courageous; noble; high-minded.
MANFUL adj. courageous.
PANFULpanful n. As much as a pan will hold.
PANFUL n. as much as a pan can hold.
PENFULpenful n. Enough to fill a pen.
PENFUL n. the amount of ink a pen can hold.
SINFULsinful adj. Having sinned; guilty of sin.
sinful adj. Constituting a sin; morally or religiously wrong; wicked; evil.
sinful adj. (Colloquial) decadent (luxuriously self-indulgent).
TINFULtinful n. As much as a tin will hold.
TINFUL n. as much as a tin can hold.
UNFURLunfurl v. To unroll or release something that had been rolled up, typically a sail or a flag.
unfurl v. (Figurative) To roll out or debut anything.
unfurl v. (Intransitive) To open up by unrolling.
URNFULurnful n. As much as an urn will hold.
URNFUL n. as much as an urn can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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