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There are 20 six-letter words containing NAI

AGNAILagnail n. (Obsolete) A corn or sore on the toe or finger.
agnail n. Torn skin near a toenail or fingernail.
AGNAIL n. a torn shred of skin beside the nail.
DONAIRdonair n. (Canada) A Nova Scotian variant of the doner kebab, including breadcrumbs and spices, and served with…
DONAIR n. (Canadian) sliced lamb rolled in pita bread.
LANAISlanais n. Plural of lanai.
LANAI n. (Hawaiian) a verandah or roofed patio.
MANAIAmanaia n. A bird-headed mythological creature and symbol of protection in Māori mythology.
MANAIA n. (Maori) a figure in Maori carving consisting of a human body and birdlike head.
NAIADSnaiads n. Plural of naiad.
NAIAD n. (Greek) a water nymph.
NAIANTnaiant adj. (Heraldry, of a fish) Depicted swimming horizontally.
NAIANT adj. in heraldry, swimming horizontally.
NAIFERnaifer adj. Comparative form of naif: more naif.
NAIF adj. (French) ingenuous, also NAIVE.
NAIFLYnaifly adv. In a naif way; naïvely.
naïfly adv. Alternative form of naively.
NAIF adv. (French) ingenuous, also NAIVE.
NAILEDnailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of nail.
nailed adj. Having nails (often of a specified kind).
NAIL v. to fasten with a long slender piece of metal.
NAILERnailer n. One whose occupation is to make nails; a nail maker.
nailer n. One who fastens with, or drives, nails.
nailer n. A nailgun.
NAIRASnairas n. Plural of naira.
NAIRA n. a Nigerian currency unit.
NAIRUSNAIRU n. an acronym for Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment.
NAIVERnaiver adj. Comparative form of naive: more naive.
naïver adj. Comparative form of naïve: more naïve.
NAIVE adj. lacking sophistication.
NAIVESnaives n. Plural of naive.
naïves n. Plural of naïve.
NAIVE n. an unsophisticated person.
RENAILrenail v. To nail something again.
RENAIL v. to nail again.
SHENAIshenai n. Alternative form of shehnai.
SHENAI n. (Bengali) a double-reed wind instrument of India, also SHEHNAI.
SNAILSsnails n. Plural of snail.
snails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of snail.
'snails interj. (Obsolete) An oath.
SNAILYsnaily adj. Resembling or characteristic of a snail.
SNAILY adj. like a snail.
TENAILtenail n. Alternative form of tenaille.
TENAIL n. an outwork in a main fortification ditch, also TENAILLE.
UNNAILunnail v. (Transitive) To remove the nails from.
UNNAIL v. to remove the nails from.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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