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There are 9 five-letter words containing NTA

ANTAEantae n. Plural of anta.
Antae prop.n. Alternative form of Antes.
ANTA n. (Latin) a square pilaster on each side of a doorway.
ANTARANTaR prop.n. Acronym of Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation.
ANTAR n. (Shakespeare) a cave, also ANTRE.
ANTASantas n. Plural of anta.
ANTA n. (Latin) a square pilaster on each side of a doorway.
JUNTAjunta n. The ruling council of a military dictatorship.
junta n. A council, convention, tribunal or assembly; especially, the grand council of state in Spain.
JUNTA n. (Spanish) a government council.
MANTAmanta n. A kind of fabric or blanket used in Latin America and southwestern United States.
manta n. Ellipsis of manta ray.
Manta prop.n. A Grassfields language spoken in Cameroon.
MENTAmenta n. Plural of mentum.
MENTUM n. (Latin) the chin.
PINTApinta n. (Britain, colloquial) A pint of milk.
pinta n. A human skin disease endemic to Mexico, Central America, and South America, caused by infection with…
pinta n. (Chicano, slang) prison.
UNTAXuntax v. (Transitive) To remove a tax from.
UNTAX v. to remit a tax on.
YENTAyenta n. A woman who meddles in the business of others; a busybody; a female gossipmonger.
yenta n. (Jewish) A matchmaker; a woman who specializes in finding spouses.
YENTA n. (Yiddish) a gossipy woman, esp. one who pries, also YENTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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