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There are 19 five-letter words containing NIS

ANISEanise n. An umbelliferous plant (Pimpinella anisum) growing naturally in Egypt, and cultivated in Spain, Malta…
anise n. (US, often qualified as "sweet anise" or "wild anise") Fennel, Foeniculum vulgare.
ANISE n. an annual Mediterranean plant of the carrot family.
BENISbenis n. (Internet slang) Penis.
BENI n. the sesame plant, also BENNE, BENNI.
DENISdenis n. Plural of deni.
Denis prop.n. A male given name from Ancient Greek, a mostly British and Irish spelling variant of Dennis.
Denis prop.n. A surname.
FENISfenis n. Plural of feni.
FENI n. (Hindi) an alcoholic spirit made from coconuts, also FENNY.
FINISfinis n. The end (of a book or other work).
FINIS n. (Latin) the end, the conclusion.
KNISHknish n. An Eastern European Jewish, or Yiddish, snack food consisting of a dumpling covered with a shell of…
KNISH n. (Yiddish) in Jewish cooking, dough with potato, meat etc. baked or fried.
LENISlenis adj. (Phonetics) Weakly articulated (of a consonant), hence voiced; especially as compared to the others…
lenis n. (Phonetics) A lenis consonant.
Lenis prop.n. A surname.
MANISmanis n. Plural of mani.
manis n. (Obsolete) The pangolin.
Manis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Manidae – the pangolins.
MINISminis n. Plural of mini.
Minis n. Plural of Mini.
MINI n. something small of its type.
MUNISmunis n. Plural of muni.
MUNI n. a security issued by a government.
NISEInisei n. One whose parents were Japanese immigrants, especially to North or South America.
Nisei n. A person born outside of Japan of parents who were born in Japan.
NISEI n. (Japanese) a second-generation Japanese immigrant.
NISSENisse prop.n. A town in Borsele, Netherlands.
NISSE n. in Scandinavian folklore, a brownie or goblin, also NIS.
NISUSnisus n. A mental or physical effort to attain a specific goal; a striving.
nisus n. The periodic procreative desire manifested in the spring by birds, etc.
nisus n. The contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to evacuate faeces or urine.
NONISnonis n. Plural of noni.
NONI n. (Hawaiian) a tree of SE Asia whose fruit provides a possibly health-promoting juice.
ORNISornis n. (Formal) A bird.
ornis n. The birds collectively of a region; avifauna.
-ornis suff. Used to form genus names of birds.
PENISpenis n. (Anatomy) The male reproductive organ used for sexual intercourse that in the human male and some other…
PENIS n. the male organ used for copulation.
RANISranis n. Plural of rani.
RANI n. (Hindi) the wife of a rajah, also RANEE.
SUNISSunis n. Plural of Suni.
SUNI n. (Bantu) a small South African antelope.
YONISyonis n. Plural of yoni.
YONI n. (Sanskrit) a representation of the female genitals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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