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There are 15 five-letter words containing NDE

BUNDEBunde prop.n. A surname from German.
BUND n. a German federation or league.
ENDEDended v. Simple past tense and past participle of end.
ended adj. (In combination) Having (a specified kind or number of) ends.
END v. to terminate.
ENDERender n. Something which ends another thing.
ender n. (Kayaking) A maneuver in which one uses the pressure of a wave to flip one’s kayak end over end.
Ender prop.n. A surname from German.
ENDEWendew v. (Obsolete) Alternative form of endue (“to endow”).
ENDEW v. (Spenser) to endow, also ENDUE, INDEW, INDOW, INDUE.
HYNDEhynde n. Obsolete form of hind. (female deer)
Hynde prop.n. A surname.
HYNDE n. (Spenser) a hind, a female deer.
INDEWindew v. Obsolete form of endue.
INDEW v. (Spenser) to provide with, also ENDUE, INDUE.
INDEXindex n. An alphabetical listing of items and their location.
index n. The index finger; the forefinger.
index n. A movable finger on a gauge, scale, etc.
KYNDEkynde n. Obsolete form of kind.
KYNDE v. (Spenser) to beget, also KYND.
LANDElande n. Obsolete form of land.
lande n. An uncultivated plain, especially a sandy track along the seashore in southwestern France.
LANDE n. (French) a heathy plain or sandy tract, esp. in SW France.
MONDEmonde n. A ball-like object, located near the top of a crown, symbolizing the globe.
MONDE n. (French) the world; a globe as an ensign of royalty.
RONDEronde n. (Typography, dated) A kind of script in which the heavy strokes are nearly upright, giving the characters…
RONDE n. (French) a script printing type.
SONDEsonde n. (Medicine) Probe; sound.
sonde n. (Physical sciences) Any of various devices for testing physical conditions, often for remote or underwater locations.
Sonde prop.n. A Bantu language.
TYNDETIND v. to kindle, also TEEND.
UNDEEundee adj. (Heraldry) Alternative form of undé.
UNDEE adj. in heraldry, wavy, also OUNDY, UNDE, UNDY.
UNDERunder prep. In or at a lower level than; in the area covered or surmounted by.
under prep. From one side of to the other, passing beneath.
under prep. Less than.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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