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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing NEB

INEBRIATIONSinebriations n. Plural of inebriation.
INEBRIATION n. drunkenness.
LINEBACKINGSLINEBACKING n. playing as a linebacker.
LINEBREEDINGlinebreeding n. A form of inbreeding that may encompass crosses between individuals and their descendants or two cousins…
line␣breeding n. (Stockbreeding) Breeding by a certain family line of descent, especially in the selection of the dam or mother.
LINEBREEDING n. the interbreeding of individuals within a particular line of descent usually to perpetuate desirable characters.
NEBULISATIONnebulisation n. Alternative spelling of nebulization.
NEBULISATION n. the act of nebulizing, also NEBULIZATION.
NEBULIZATIONnebulization n. The process of forming nebulae.
nebulization n. The conversion of a liquid to a fine spray.
NEBULIZATION n. the act of nebulizing, also NEBULISATION.
NEBULOSITIESnebulosities n. Plural of nebulosity.
NEBULOSITY n. the state of being nebulous, also NEBULOUSNESS.
NEBULOUSNESSnebulousness n. The characteristic of being nebulous.
NEBULOUSNESS n. the state of being nebulous, also NEBULOSITY.
STONEBRASHESstonebrashes n. Plural of stonebrash.
stone␣brashes n. Plural of stone brash.
STONEBRASH n. a subsoil made up of small stones or finely-broken rock.
STONEBREAKERstonebreaker n. A machine for crushing or hammering stone.
STONEBREAKER n. a person that breaks up stone; a machine used to break up stone.
TENEBRIONIDStenebrionids n. Plural of tenebrionid.
TENEBRIONID n. a dark-coloured nocturnal beetle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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