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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing MPEN

COMPENSATINGcompensating v. Present participle of compensate.
COMPENSATE v. to be equivalent to.
COMPENSATIONcompensation n. The act or principle of compensating.
compensation n. Something which is regarded as an equivalent; something which compensates for loss.
compensation n. (Finance) The extinction of debts of which two persons are reciprocally debtors by the credits of which…
COMPENSATIVEcompensative adj. That compensates for something; compensatory.
compensative n. (Obsolete) compensation.
COMPENSATIVE adj. relating to compensation, also COMPENSATIONAL.
COMPENSATORScompensators n. Plural of compensator.
COMPENSATOR n. one who compensates.
COMPENSATORYcompensatory adj. (Of a payment) Intended to recompense someone who has experienced loss, suffering, or injury.
compensatory adj. Reducing or offsetting the unpleasant or unwelcome effects of something.
compensatory adj. (Genetics) That compensates for a deleterious mutation.
DECOMPENSATEdecompensate v. (Medicine, psychology, of a bodily organ or mental state) To deteriorate in function due to an inability…
DECOMPENSATE v. to fail to compensate.
IMPENDENCIESimpendencies n. Plural of impendency.
IMPENDENCY n. (obsolete) the state of impending; also, that which impends, also IMPENDENCE.
IMPENETRABLEimpenetrable adj. Not penetrable.
impenetrable adj. (Figuratively) Incomprehensible; fathomless; inscrutable.
impenetrable adj. Opaque; obscure; not translucent or transparent.
IMPENETRABLYimpenetrably adv. In an impenetrable manner or state; imperviously.
IMPENETRABLE adv. incapable of being penetrated or pierced.
IMPENETRATEDimpenetrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of impenetrate.
IMPENETRATE v. to penetrate thoroughly.
IMPENETRATESimpenetrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of impenetrate.
IMPENETRATE v. to penetrate thoroughly.
IMPENITENCESimpenitences n. Plural of impenitence.
IMPENITENCE n. the state of being impenitent, also IMPENITENCY.
IMPENITENTLYimpenitently adv. Without repentance.
IMPENITENT adv. not impenitent.
RECOMPENSERSrecompensers n. Plural of recompenser.
RECOMPENSER n. one who recompenses.
RECOMPENSINGrecompensing adj. That provides recompense; rewarding, compensatory.
recompensing n. The act of rewarding or compensating; reward, compensation.
recompensing v. Present participle of recompense.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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