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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing MPEN

COMPENDIOUScompendious adj. Containing a subset of words, succinctly described; abridged and summarized.
compendious adj. Briefly describing a body of knowledge.
COMPENDIOUS adj. concise but comprehensive.
COMPENDIUMScompendiums n. Plural of compendium.
COMPENDIUM n. (Latin) an assortment, a varied collection.
COMPENSABLEcompensable adj. Able to be compensated; entitling one to compensation.
COMPENSABLE adj. that is to be or can be compensated.
COMPENSATEDcompensated v. Simple past tense and past participle of compensate.
COMPENSATE v. to be equivalent to.
COMPENSATEScompensates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compensate.
COMPENSATE v. to be equivalent to.
COMPENSATORcompensator n. (Literally) A party or thing which compensates, pays or otherwise provides a compensation.
compensator n. Any device used to compensate for something, notably to achieve a better balance.
compensator n. A building control device used to deliver the compensation relationship or curve between the air temperature…
IMPENDENCESIMPENDENCE n. (obsolete) the state of impending; also, that which impends, also IMPENDENCY.
IMPENETRATEimpenetrate v. (Transitive) To penetrate into.
IMPENETRATE v. to penetrate thoroughly.
IMPENITENCEimpenitence n. The property of being impenitent, of lacking penitence, of not being regretful of wrongs done.
IMPENITENCE n. the state of being impenitent, also IMPENITENCY.
IMPENITENCYimpenitency n. Archaic form of impenitence.
IMPENITENCY n. the state of being impenitent, also IMPENITENCE.
IMPENITENTSimpenitents n. Plural of impenitent.
IMPENITENT n. one who is not penitent.
RECOMPENCESrecompences n. Misspelling of recompenses.
recompences v. Misspelling of recompenses.
RECOMPENCE n. (obsolete) a reward, a compensation, also RECOMPENSE.
RECOMPENSEDrecompensed v. Simple past tense and past participle of recompense.
RECOMPENSE v. to give something to by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred), also RECOMPENCE.
RECOMPENSERrecompenser n. One who recompenses.
RECOMPENSER n. one who recompenses.
RECOMPENSESrecompenses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recompense.
RECOMPENSE v. to give something to by way of compensation (as for a service rendered or damage incurred), also RECOMPENCE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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