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There are 18 six-letter words containing MOI

BEMOILbemoil v. (Obsolete) To soil or dirty.
BEMOIL v. (Shakespeare) to bemire, bedraggle.
CYMOIDcymoid adj. (Architecture) Resembling a cyma.
cymoid adj. (Botany) Having the form of a cyme.
CYMOID adj. like a cyme, a type of flower cluster.
DOMOICdomoic adj. Of or pertaining to domoic acid or its derivatives.
DOMOIC adj. as in domoic acid, a poisonous amino acid found in marine algae.
DROMOIdromoi n. Plural of dromos.
DROMOS n. (Greek) a Greek racecourse; an entrance or subterranean passage.
HEMOIDhemoid adj. Alternative form of haemoid.
MEMOIRmemoir n. An autobiography; a book describing the personal experiences of an author.
memoir n. A biography; a book describing the experiences of a subject from personal knowledge of the subject or…
memoir n. Any form of narrative describing the personal experiences of a writer.
MOIDERmoider v. (Intransitive) to toil.
moider v. (Transitive, intransitive) to muddle.
moider v. (Transitive) to pester.
MOIETYmoiety n. A half.
moiety n. A share or portion, especially a smaller share.
moiety n. (Anthropology) Each descent group in a culture which is divided exactly into two descent groups.
MOILEDmoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of moil.
MOIL v. to drudge, work hard.
MOILERmoiler n. One who moils, or works hard.
MOILER n. one who moils, drudges.
MOILESmoiles n. Plural of moile.
MOILE n. a type of rice pudding made with almond milk.
MOIRAImoirai n. (Greek mythology) The three Fates, personifications of destiny.
moirai n. One’s own destiny; fate. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
MOIRA n. (Greek) fate or destiny, in ancient Greek religion.
MOIRESmoires n. Plural of moire.
moirés n. Plural of moiré.
MOIRE n. (French) a fabric having a wavy pattern.
MOISERmoiser n. Alternative form of moser.
MOISER n. (Yiddish) an informer.
MOISTSmoists v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of moist.
MOIST v. to wet slightly.
MOMOIRmomoir n. (North America, informal) A memoir written by or about a mother.
MOMOIR n. a memoir written by a mother, concentrating on the experience of motherhood.
SMOILESMOILE v. (obsolete) to smile, also SMOYLE.
ZYMOIDzymoid adj. (Obsolete) Resembling a zymin or ferment (enzyme).
ZYMOID adj. like a ferment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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