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There are 14 five-letter words containing MID

AMIDEamide n. (Organic chemistry) Any derivative of an oxoacid in which the hydroxyl group has been replaced with…
amide n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any ionic derivative of ammonia in which a hydrogen atom has been replaced with…
AMIDE n. a compound formed by the union of amidogen with an acid element or radical, also AMID.
AMIDOamido n. (Organic chemistry) The univalent radical -NH2 when attached via a carboxyl group.
AMIDO adj. containing an amide united with an acid radical.
AMIDSamids n. Plural of amid.
AMID n. a compound formed by the union of amidogen with an acid element or radical, also AMIDE.
HUMIDhumid adj. Containing perceptible moisture (usually describing air or atmosphere); damp; moist; somewhat wet or watery.
HUMID adj. moist, having much humidity.
IMIDEimide n. (Organic chemistry) a form of amide in which the nitrogen atom is attached to two carbonyl groups -…
IMIDE n. a class of organic compounds formed from ammonia, also IMID.
IMIDOimido adj. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to an imide.
imido- pref. (Organic chemistry) Of or pertaining to an imide.
IMIDO adj. of a compound, containing an imide, a class of organic compounds formed from ammonia.
IMIDSimids n. Plural of imid.
IMID n. a class of organic compounds formed from ammonia, also IMIDE.
MIDDYmiddy n. (Nautical, slang) a midshipman.
middy n. (Australia) A measure of 285 ml (10 fl oz) of beer; a pot.
MIDDY n. a medium sized beer glass, larger than a pony, smaller than a schooner, also MIDDIE.
MIDGEmidge n. Any of various small two-winged flies, for example, from the family Chironomidae or non-biting midges…
midge n. (Fishing) any bait or lure designed to resemble a midge.
Midge prop.n. A female given name of rare usage, variant of Madge.
MIDGYMIDGY adj. full of midges.
MIDISmidis n. Plural of midi.
MIDIs n. Plural of MIDI.
MIDI n. a skirt or coat that extends to the middle of the calf.
MIDSTmidst n. (Often literary) A place in the middle of something; may be used of a literal or metaphorical location.
midst prep. (Rare) Among, in the middle of; amid.
'midst prep. (Poetic) Alternative form of amidst.
TIMIDtimid adj. Lacking in courage or confidence.
TIMID adj. lacking courage or self-confidence.
TUMIDtumid adj. Swollen, enlarged, bulging.
tumid adj. Cancerous, unhealthy.
tumid adj. Pompous, bombastic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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