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There are 11 four-letter words containing MAR

MARAmara n. (Folklore) A nightmare; a spectre or wraith-like creature in Germanic and particularly Scandinavian…
mara n. (Buddhism) A type of god that prevents accomplishment or success.
mara n. (Buddhism) Any malicious or evil spirit.
MARCmarc n. The refuse matter that remains after fruit, particularly grapes, has been pressed.
marc n. An alcoholic spirit distilled from the marc of grapes.
marc n. (Historical, uncommon) Alternative form of mark: various half-pound units of mass, various European currencies.
MARDmard v. (Yorkshire) To cosset (a child).
MARD adj. (Spenser) marred.
MAREmare n. An adult female horse.
mare n. (UK, derogatory, slang) A foolish woman.
mare n. (Obsolete or historical) A type of evil spirit formerly thought to sit on the chest of a sleeping person;…
MARGmarg n. (Colloquial) margarine.
marg n. (Colloquial) margarita.
marg n. (India) A road.
MARKmark n. (Heading) Boundary, land within a boundary.
mark n. (Heading) Characteristic, sign, visible impression.
mark n. (Heading) Indicator of position, objective etc.
MARLmarl n. A mixed earthy substance, consisting of carbonate of lime, clay, and possibly sand, in very variable…
marl v. (Transitive) To cover with the earthy substance called marl.
marl v. (Nautical) To cover, as part of a rope, with marline, marking a peculiar hitch at each turn to prevent unwinding.
MARMmarm n. (Archaic) madam; a polite term of address for a lady.
MARM n. a form of address to a woman, ma'am.
MARSmars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mar.
mars n. Plural of mar.
Mars prop.n. (Astronomy) The fourth planet in the solar system. Symbol: ♂.
MARTmart n. A shop, store.
mart n. A bazaar, fair, marketplace.
mart n. (Obsolete) A bargain.
MARYmary n. Alternative letter-case form of Mary (“male homosexual”).
Mary prop.n. A female given name from Latin, Ancient Greek, Aramaic, or Hebrew.
Mary prop.n. The Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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