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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing MAR

AMARYLLIDACEOUSamaryllidaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Amaryllidaceae of herbaceous, perennial and bulbous flowering plants.
AMARYLLIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the Amaryllis family.
COUNTERMARCHINGcountermarching v. Present participle of countermarch.
countermarching n. A countermarch.
COUNTERMARCH v. to march or cause to march back or in a direction opposite to a former one.
CUSTOMARINESSESCUSTOMARINESS n. the state of being customary.
MACROMARKETINGSMACROMARKETING n. marketing concerning all marketing as a whole, marketing systems, and the mutual effect that society and marketing systems have on each other.
MARCONIGRAPHINGmarconigraphing v. Present participle of marconigraph.
MARCONIGRAPH v. to send a message by wireless telegraphy.
MARGARITIFEROUSmargaritiferous adj. Producing pearls.
MARGARITIFEROUS adj. pearl-bearing.
MARGINALISATIONmarginalisation n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of marginalization.
MARGINALISATION n. the act of marginalising, also MARGINALIZATION.
MARGINALIZATIONmarginalization n. The act of marginalizing or something marginalized.
MARGINALIZATION n. the act of marginalizing, also MARGINALISATION.
MARKETABILITIESmarketabilities n. Plural of marketability.
MARKETABILITY n. the state of being marketable.
MARRIAGEABILITYmarriageability n. The condition of being marriageable.
MARRIAGEABILITY n. the state of being marriageable.
MARSHMALLOWIESTMARSHMALLOWY adj. of or like marshmallow.
MARTENSITICALLYmartensitically adv. In a martensitic manner.
MARTENSITIC adv. relating to martensite.
MICROMARKETINGSMICROMARKETING n. very small-scale marketing.
NEUROMARKETINGSNEUROMARKETING n. a field of marketing that studies consumers' sensorimotor, cognitive, and affective response to marketing stimuli.
NIGHTMARISHNESSnightmarishness n. The state or condition of being nightmarish.
NIGHTMARISH n. like a nightmare, also NIGHTMARY.
REMARKABILITIESremarkabilities n. Plural of remarkability.
REMARKABILITY n. the quality of being remarkable.
ULTRAMARATHONERultramarathoner n. (Athletics) Someone who participates in ultramarathons.
ULTRAMARATHONER n. one who runs an ultramarathon, a footrace longer than a marathon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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