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There are 17 words containing LOMETRI

ALLOMETRICallometric adj. Of or pertaining to allometry.
allometric adj. (Mathematics, of a population) That grows at a rate proportional to a power of another population.
ALLOMETRIC adj. relating to allometry, the study of growth of a part of an organism in relation to the whole.
BOLOMETRICbolometric adj. Of or pertaining to bolometry.
bolometric adj. As measured using a bolometer.
BOLOMETRIC adj. relating to bolometry, measurement of radiant energy.
KILOMETRICkilometric adj. Measured in kilometres/kilometers.
KILOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by kilometre, also KILOMETRICAL.
ALLOMETRIESallometries n. Plural of allometry.
ALLOMETRY n. the study of growth of a part of an organism in relation to the whole.
BOLOMETRIESBOLOMETRY n. measurement by a bolometer, an instrument for measuring radiant energy or infrared light.
COULOMETRICcoulometric adj. (Physics, chemistry) of, or relating to coulometry.
COULOMETRIC adj. relating to coulometry.
COULOMETRIEScoulometries n. Plural of coulometry.
COULOMETRY n. (chemical analysis by) measurement of the number of coulombs used in electrolysis.
CYCLOMETRIESCYCLOMETRY n. measurement by use of a cyclometer, an instrument for measuring revolutions of a wheel.
KILOMETRICALKILOMETRICAL adj. relating to measurement by kilometer, also KILOMETRIC.
STYLOMETRIESSTYLOMETRY n. the study of literature by means of statistical analysis.
CEPHALOMETRICcephalometric adj. Relating to cephalometrics.
CEPHALOMETRIC adj. relating to cephalometry.
NEPHELOMETRICnephelometric adj. (Analytical chemistry) Of, or pertaining to nephelometry.
NEPHELOMETRIC adj. relating to measurement by nephelometer, an instrument for measuring cloudiness.
BOLOMETRICALLYbolometrically adv. By means of, or in terms of, bolometry.
BOLOMETRIC adv. relating to bolometry, measurement of radiant energy.
CEPHALOMETRIEScephalometries n. Plural of cephalometry.
CEPHALOMETRY n. the science of measuring the head in living individuals.
NEPHELOMETRIESNEPHELOMETRY n. the measurement of the cloudiness of liquids.
ALCOHOLOMETRIESALCOHOLOMETRY n. the measurement of the proportion of alcohol in solutions.
COULOMETRICALLYcoulometrically adv. By means of coulometry, or by the use of a coulometer.
COULOMETRIC adv. relating to coulometry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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