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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing LLOWING

BELLOWINGbellowing v. Present participle of bellow.
bellowing n. The sound produced when someone or something bellows.
BELLOWING n. the act of emitting a bellow.
BILLOWINGbillowing v. Present participle of billow.
billowing n. The act of something that billows; a billow.
BILLOWING n. a swelling out.
FALLOWINGfallowing v. Present participle of fallow.
fallowing n. A period during which a field is left fallow.
FALLOW v. to plough and leave unseeded.
FELLOWINGfellowing v. Present participle of fellow.
FELLOW v. to produce an equal to.
FOLLOWINGfollowing adj. Coming next, either in sequence or in time.
following adj. About to be specified.
following adj. (Of a wind) Blowing in the direction of travel.
GALLOWINGgallowing v. Present participle of gallow.
GALLOW v. (Shakespeare) to frighten.
HALLOWINGhallowing v. Present participle of hallow.
hallowing n. The act by which something is hallowed.
HALLOW v. to make holy.
HOLLOWINGhollowing v. Present participle of hollow.
hollowing n. The act of one who hollows; a cry or shout.
HOLLOW v. to remove the interior.
MELLOWINGmellowing v. Present participle of mellow.
mellowing n. The process of making or becoming mellow.
MELLOW v. to make mature.
PILLOWINGpillowing v. Present participle of pillow.
pillowing n. Material used to make pillows.
PILLOW v. to rest on a cushion for the head.
SALLOWINGsallowing v. Present participle of sallow.
SALLOW v. to make sallow.
TALLOWINGtallowing n. The act, or art, of causing animals to produce tallow.
tallowing n. The property in animals of producing tallow.
TALLOW v. to smear with a mixture of animal fats.
WALLOWINGwallowing v. Present participle of wallow.
wallowing n. The act of one who wallows.
WALLOWING n. the act of wallowing.
WILLOWINGwillowing v. Present participle of willow.
WILLOW v. to clean textile fibres.
YELLOWINGyellowing v. Present participle of yellow.
yellowing n. The process of turning yellow.
YELLOW v. to make or become yellow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 17 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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