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There are 19 words containing LUSTRE

LUSTRElustre n. (British spelling) Alternative form of luster (Shine, etc.).
lustre n. (Geology) The way in which the surface of any particular type of mineral reflects light differently…
lustre n. A glass ornament such as a prism or cut glass dangling beneath a chandelier; usually in clusters or festoons.
LUSTREDlustred adj. Having a lustre.
LUSTRE v. to make lustrous, also LUSTER.
LUSTRESlustres n. Plural of lustre.
LUSTRE v. to make lustrous, also LUSTER.
APLUSTREaplustre n. (Historical, nautical) An ornamental appendage of wood at the stern of a Roman ship, usually spreading…
APLUSTRE n. (Latin) an ornamental appendage of wood at a ship's stern, usually spreading like a fan and curved like a bird's feather.
DELUSTREdelustre v. To remove the lustre from yarn, typically by adding a pigment at spinning time.
DELUSTRE v. to remove the lustre from.
APLUSTRESaplustres n. Plural of aplustre.
APLUSTRE n. (Latin) an ornamental appendage of wood at a ship's stern, usually spreading like a fan and curved like a bird's feather.
DELUSTREDdelustred v. Simple past tense and past participle of delustre.
DELUSTRE v. to remove the lustre from.
DELUSTRESdelustres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of delustre.
DELUSTRE v. to remove the lustre from.
DISLUSTREdislustre v. To give up or lose lustre.
DISLUSTRE v. (archaic) to deprive of lustre.
OUTLUSTREoutlustre v. (Poetic, transitive) To surpass in brightness or lustre; to outshine.
OUTLUSTRE v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in lustre, also OUTLUSTER.
DISLUSTREDdislustred v. Simple past tense and past participle of dislustre.
DISLUSTRE v. (archaic) to deprive of lustre.
DISLUSTRESdislustres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dislustre.
DISLUSTRE v. (archaic) to deprive of lustre.
LACKLUSTRElacklustre adj. (Commonwealth spelling) Alternative spelling of lackluster.
lacklustre n. (Commonwealth spelling) Alternative spelling of lackluster.
lack-lustre adj. Alternative spelling of lackluster.
LUSTRELESSlustreless adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative spelling of lusterless.
LUSTRELESS adj. without lustre, also LUSTERLESS.
LUSTREWARElustreware n. Alternative spelling of lusterware.
LUSTREWARE n. pottery with a metallic glaze, also LUSTERWARE.
OUTLUSTREDoutlustred v. Simple past tense and past participle of outlustre.
OUTLUSTRE v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in lustre, also OUTLUSTER.
OUTLUSTRESoutlustres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outlustre.
OUTLUSTRE v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in lustre, also OUTLUSTER.
LACKLUSTRESlacklustres n. Plural of lacklustre.
LACKLUSTRE n. something lacking lustre, also LACKLUSTER.
LUSTREWARESlustrewares n. Plural of lustreware.
LUSTREWARE n. pottery with a metallic glaze, also LUSTERWARE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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