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There are 10 words containing LOSION

DISPLOSIONdisplosion n. (Obsolete) explosion.
DISPLOSION n. an explosion.
DISPLOSIONSdisplosions n. Plural of displosion.
DISPLOSION n. an explosion.
ECLOSIONeclosion n. (Biology) The emergence of an insect from the pupa case, or of a larva from the egg.
ECLOSION n. the emergence of insect from pupa.
ECLOSIONSeclosions n. Plural of eclosion.
ECLOSION n. the emergence of insect from pupa.
EXPLOSIONexplosion n. A violent release of energy (Sometimes mechanical, nuclear, or chemical.).
explosion n. A bursting due to pressure.
explosion n. The sound of an explosion.
EXPLOSIONSexplosions n. Plural of explosion.
EXPLOSION n. the act of exploding.
IMPLOSIONimplosion n. The inrush of air in forming a suction stop.
implosion n. The action of imploding.
implosion n. The act or action of bringing to or as if to a center.
IMPLOSIONSimplosions n. Plural of implosion.
IMPLOSION n. the act of imploding.
PLOSIONplosion n. (Phonetics) Pronunciation of a consonant that is characterised by completely blocking the flow of air…
PLOSION n. a release of breath after articulating certain consonants.
PLOSIONSplosions n. Plural of plosion.
PLOSION n. a release of breath after articulating certain consonants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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