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There are 12 words containing LORICA

CALORICALLYcalorically adv. In a caloric manner.
CALORIC adv. related to heat.
FLORICANEfloricane n. (Botany) A stem of some species of Rubus in its second year of growth, when it bears flowers.
FLORICANE n. the fruiting stem of a plant.
FLORICANESfloricanes n. Plural of floricane.
FLORICANE n. the fruiting stem of a plant.
LORICAlorica n. (Historical) A cuirass, originally of leather, afterward of plates of metal or horn sewed on linen or the like.
lorica n. (Chemistry, obsolete) Lute for protecting vessels from the fire.
lorica n. (Zoology) The protective case or shell of a Loricifera, infusorian or rotifer.
LORICAEloricae n. Plural of lorica.
LORICA n. (Latin) a leather corslet, also LORIC.
LORICASLORICA n. (Latin) a leather corslet, also LORIC.
LORICATEloricate v. (Transitive) To cover with some protecting substance, as with lute, a crust, coating, or plates.
loricate adj. (Microbiology) Possessing a lorica (enclosing shell).
loricate adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the rotifers with thick, rigid cuticles and a box-like shape.
LORICATEDloricated v. Simple past tense and past participle of loricate.
LORICATE v. to coat protectively, to armour.
LORICATESloricates n. Plural of loricate.
loricates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of loricate.
LORICATE v. to coat protectively, to armour.
LORICATINGloricating v. Present participle of loricate.
LORICATE v. to coat protectively, to armour.
LORICATIONlorication n. The act of loricating.
lorication n. The protecting substance put on; a covering of scales or plates.
LORICATION n. a covering of scales or plates.
LORICATIONSlorications n. Plural of lorication.
LORICATION n. a covering of scales or plates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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