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There are 5 words containing LISMAN

TALISMANtalisman n. A magical object providing protection against ill will, or the supernatural, or conferring the wearer…
talisman v. To be worn as a talisman.
TALISMAN n. (Arabic) an object supposed to have occult or magic powers, esp an inscribed stone or ring worn as an amulet to avert evil or bring good luck, health, etc, also TELESM.
TALISMANICtalismanic adj. Of, relating to, or like, a talisman.
talismanic adj. Possessing or believed to possess protective magical power.
TALISMANIC adj. of or like a talisman, also TALISMANICAL.
TALISMANICALtalismanical adj. Alternative form of talismanic.
TALISMANICAL adj. of or like a talisman, also TALISMANIC.
TALISMANICALLYtalismanically adv. In a talismanic manner.
TALISMANICAL adv. of or like a talisman, also TALISMANIC.
TALISMANStalismans n. Plural of talisman.
TALISMAN n. (Arabic) an object supposed to have occult or magic powers, esp an inscribed stone or ring worn as an amulet to avert evil or bring good luck, health, etc, also TELESM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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