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There are 11 words containing LETHAL

LETHALlethal adj. Of, pertaining to, or causing death; deadly; mortal; fatal.
lethal n. Any weapon that causes death.
lethal n. (Genetics) An allele that causes the death of the organism that carries it.
LETHALSlethals n. Plural of lethal.
LETHAL n. a death-dealing genetic defect.
LETHALLYlethally adv. In a lethal manner, in manner which is or will be fatal.
LETHAL adv. causing death.
UNLETHALunlethal adj. Not lethal.
UNLETHAL adj. not lethal.
LETHALITYlethality n. The fact of something being lethal; the ability of something to kill.
lethality n. The degree of lethal (mortal) danger that something (usually a disease or a weapon) presents; the magnitude…
LETHALITY n. the quality of being lethal.
NONLETHALnonlethal adj. Alternative spelling of non-lethal.
nonlethal n. Alternative spelling of non-lethal.
non-lethal adj. Not capable of causing death.
SUBLETHALsublethal adj. Less than lethal.
SUBLETHAL adj. not quite fatal.
SEMILETHALsemilethal adj. (Biology, genetics, of a trait) lethal to at least half of all affected organisms.
semilethal n. A semilethal trait.
SEMILETHAL n. a mutation that tends to be lethal but is not always.
LETHALITIESlethalities n. Plural of lethality.
LETHALITY n. the quality of being lethal.
SEMILETHALSsemilethals n. Plural of semilethal.
SEMILETHAL n. a mutation that tends to be lethal but is not always.
SUBLETHALLYsublethally adv. In a sublethal manner, or to a sublethal extent.
SUBLETHAL adv. not quite fatal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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  • Scrabble in German: no word
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