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There are 13 words containing LEMNIS

LEMNISCALlemniscal adj. Of or pertaining to the lemniscus.
lemniscal adj. (Anatomy) Describing a sensory pathway that conducts impulses of touch etc to the cortex.
LEMNISCAL adj. relating to a lemniscus, a band of fibres.
LEMNISCATElemniscate n. The infinity symbol (∞).
lemniscate n. (Mathematics) The lemniscate of Bernoulli.
lemniscate n. (Mathematics) Any of a variety of quartic functions producing similar figure-of-eight closed curves.
LEMNISCATESlemniscates n. Plural of lemniscate.
LEMNISCATE n. an oval shape with two symmetrical loops across a central node (as the figure 8), used as the symbol for infinity.
LEMNISCIlemnisci n. Plural of lemniscus.
LEMNISCUS n. (Latin) a band of nerve fibres.
LEMNISCUSlemniscus n. (Zoology) One of two oval bodies hanging from the interior walls of the body in the Acanthocephala.
lemniscus n. A woollen fillet attached to the back of crowns, diadems, etc.
lemniscus n. (Anatomy) A ribbon of fibers, especially of cerebral white nerve fibers.
SOLEMNISATIONsolemnisation n. Alternative form of solemnization.
SOLEMNISATION n. the act of solemnising, also SOLEMNIZATION.
SOLEMNISATIONSsolemnisations n. Plural of solemnisation.
SOLEMNISATION n. the act of solemnising, also SOLEMNIZATION.
SOLEMNISEsolemnise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of solemnize.
SOLEMNISE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNIZE.
SOLEMNISEDsolemnised v. Simple past tense and past participle of solemnise.
SOLEMNISE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNIZE.
SOLEMNISERsolemniser n. Alternative form of solemnizer.
SOLEMNISER n. one who solemnises, also SOLEMNIZER.
SOLEMNISERSsolemnisers n. Plural of solemniser.
SOLEMNISER n. one who solemnises, also SOLEMNIZER.
SOLEMNISESsolemnises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of solemnise.
SOLEMNISE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNIZE.
SOLEMNISINGsolemnising v. Present participle of solemnise.
SOLEMNISE v. to make solemn, also SOLEMNIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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