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There are 6 words containing LANINE

ALANINEalanine n. (Biochemistry, uncountable) A nonessential amino acid 2-aminopropanoic acid found in most animal proteins.
alanine n. (Countable) A specific residue, molecule, or isomer of this amino acid.
ALANINE n. an amino acid, also ALANIN.
ALANINESalanines n. Plural of alanine.
ALANINE n. an amino acid, also ALANIN.
SOLANINEsolanine n. (Organic chemistry) A poisonous glycoalkaloid found in many species of the nightshade family Solanaceae…
SOLANINE n. a poisonous alkaloid glucoside extracted from the berries of common nightshade, also SOLANIN.
SOLANINESsolanines n. Plural of solanine.
SOLANINE n. a poisonous alkaloid glucoside extracted from the berries of common nightshade, also SOLANIN.
PHENYLALANINEphenylalanine n. (Biochemistry) An essential amino acid C9H11NO2 found in most animal proteins; it is essential for growth;…
PHENYLALANINE n. an essential amino-acid present in most proteins, also PHENYLALANIN.
PHENYLALANINESphenylalanines n. Plural of phenylalanine.
PHENYLALANINE n. an essential amino-acid present in most proteins, also PHENYLALANIN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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