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There are 15 words containing LANGER

CLANGERclanger n. Something that clangs; an alarm bell (also figuratively).
clanger n. The clapper of a bell, anything that strikes a bell or other metal object to make a ringing sound.
clanger n. (Chiefly UK, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, informal, often in the phrase drop a clanger) A very noticeable…
CLANGERSclangers n. Plural of clanger.
CLANGER n. (colloquial) a mistake.
CONLANGERconlanger n. Someone who creates constructed languages (conlangs).
CONLANGER n. a person who creates an artificial language.
CONLANGERSconlangers n. Plural of conlanger.
CONLANGER n. a person who creates an artificial language.
FLANGERflanger n. (Music) An electronic device or software that alters the sound of an instrument by combining out-of-phase…
flanger n. (US) A mechanical device used to remove ice and snow from railway lines.
FLANGER n. a vertical scraper for clearing snow from railway tracks to allow room for the wheel-flanges.
FLANGERSflangers n. Plural of flanger.
FLANGER n. a vertical scraper for clearing snow from railway tracks to allow room for the wheel-flanges.
HANDLANGERhandlanger n. (South Africa) An unskilled assistant to an artisan.
handlanger n. (South Africa, figuratively) An aide, an assistant.
handlanger n. Alternative letter-case form of Handlanger.
HANDLANGERShandlangers n. Plural of handlanger.
Handlangers n. Plural of Handlanger.
HANDLANGER n. (South African) an unskilled assistant to a tradesman.
LANGERlanger n. (Slang, Ireland, derogatory) Fool; idiot; annoying or contemptible person (usually male).
langer n. (Slang, Ireland, derogatory, offensive, used in Cork) A person from south county Dublin.
langer n. (Slang, Ireland, vulgar) Penis.
LANGEREDlangered adj. (Slang, Ireland) extremely drunk.
LANGERED adj. (colloquial) extremely drunk.
LANGERSlangers n. Plural of langer.
langers adj. Alternative form of langered.
LANGER n. (vulgar Irish slang) a penis, a foolish person.
PHALANGERphalanger n. An arboreal marsupial of the family Phalangeridae, native to Australia.
Phalanger prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Phalangeridae – some of the possums also called cuscuses.
PHALANGER n. any of several kinds of long-tailed Australian marsupial.
PHALANGERSphalangers n. Plural of phalanger.
PHALANGER n. any of several kinds of long-tailed Australian marsupial.
SLANGERslanger n. A person who speaks or writes slang.
slanger n. A drug dealer, especially one working as part of a network of criminals.
SLANGER n. a hawker; a dealer in illegal drugs.
SLANGERSslangers n. Plural of slanger.
SLANGER n. a hawker; a dealer in illegal drugs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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