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There are 19 nine-letter words containing LINGLY

BOILINGLYboilingly adv. In a boiling manner.
BOILING adv. at boiling point; very hot.
COOLINGLYcoolingly adv. So as to grow cooler; losing warmth.
COOLING adv. serving to cool.
DARLINGLYdarlingly adv. In a darling way.
DARLING adv. lovable.
FAILINGLYfailingly adv. In a failing manner.
FAILING adv. in a state of failure.
FEELINGLYfeelingly adv. In a feeling manner.
GALLINGLYgallingly adv. In a galling manner.
GALLING adv. GALL, to make sore by rubbing.
HEALINGLYhealingly adv. So as to heal or cure.
HEALING adv. curative.
HOWLINGLYhowlingly adv. With a howl or howls.
howlingly adv. (Informal) In a comical way that causes howls of laughter.
HOWLING adv. making a howl.
KILLINGLYkillingly adv. So as to kill; fatally.
killingly adv. (Figuratively) So as to incapacitate with laughter.
KILLING adv. causing death.
LOLLINGLYlollingly adv. So as to loll; in a lazy, relaxed attitude.
LOLLING adv. LOLL, to lounge, also LOLLOP.
LULLINGLYlullingly adv. In a way that lulls; soothingly.
LULLINGLY adv. in a lulling manner.
MOILINGLYMOILING adv. MOIL, to drudge, work hard.
RAILINGLYrailingly adv. With scoffing or insulting language.
RAILING adv. jeering.
REELINGLYreelingly adv. With a reeling motion.
REELING adv. staggering.
SIDLINGLYsidlingly adv. With a sidling motion.
SIDLING adv. SIDLE, to move sideways.
SMILINGLYsmilingly adv. In a smiling manner; with a smile.
SMILING adv. wearing a smile.
TELLINGLYtellingly adv. In a telling manner; convincingly.
TELLING adv. effective; significant, meaningful.
WAILINGLYwailingly adv. With a wailing sound.
WAILING adv. making a wailing sound.
WILLINGLYwillingly adv. Of one’s own free will; freely and spontaneously.
WILLING adv. ready to comply.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 33 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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