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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing LATIVE

ABLATIVESablatives n. Plural of ablative.
ABLATIVE n. a grammatical case indicating direction from or time when.
ALLATIVESallatives n. Plural of allative.
ALLATIVE n. a grammatical case denoting movement towards.
COLLATIVEcollative adj. Having the power of conferring.
collative adj. (Ecclesiastical, of a benefice) In which the ordinary (or bishop) is the same person as the patron.
COLLATIVE adj. having the power of conferring; of livings where the bishop and patron are one and the same person.
EMULATIVEemulative adj. Having a tendency to emulate others; imitative.
EMULATIVE adj. inclined to emulation.
ILLATIVESillatives n. Plural of illative.
ILLATIVE n. a grammatical case indicating movement into or toward.
INFLATIVEinflative adj. (Obsolete) Of an inflating quality or tendency.
INFLATIVE adj. causing inflation, tending to inflate.
ISOLATIVEisolative adj. Relating to, characterized by, or causing isolation.
ISOLATIVE adj. tending towards isolation.
PROLATIVEprolative adj. (Obsolete) uttered.
prolative adj. (Grammar) extending or completing a predication.
prolative n. (Grammar) the prolative case.
RELATIVESrelatives n. Plural of relative.
RELATIVE n. one who is connected with another by blood or marriage.
VIOLATIVEviolative adj. (US) Tending to violate; of or relating to violation.
VIOLATIVE adj. violating, or tending to violate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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