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There are 19 words containing LTRAC

ULTRACHICultrachic adj. Very stylish or elegant.
ULTRACHIC adj. very very chic.
ULTRACOLDultracold adj. (Physics) Of a temperature close to absolute zero, especially one at which quantum-mechanical properties are observed.
ultracold adj. (Informal) Extremely cold; of utmost coldness.
ULTRACOLD adj. very very cold.
ULTRACOOLultracool adj. Extremely cool.
ULTRACOOL adj. very very cool.
ULTRACHEAPultracheap adj. Extremely cheap.
ULTRACLEANultraclean adj. Exceptionally clean.
ULTRACLEAN adj. very very clean.
ULTRACASUALultracasual adj. (Informal) Extremely casual.
ULTRACASUAL adj. very casual.
ULTRACAREFULultracareful adj. Extremely careful.
ULTRACAREFUL adj. very very careful.
ULTRACOMPACTultracompact adj. Extremely compact; of utmost compactness.
ULTRACOMPACT adj. extremely compact.
ULTRACAUTIOUSultracautious adj. Extremely cautious.
ULTRACAUTIOUS adj. extremely cautious.
ULTRACRITICALultracritical adj. Extremely or excessively critical.
ULTRACRITICAL adj. extremely critical.
ULTRACIVILIZEDultracivilized adj. Extremely civilized.
ULTRACIVILIZED adj. extremely civilized, also ULTRACIVILISED.
ULTRACOMPETENTultracompetent adj. Very highly competent.
ULTRACOMPETENT adj. extremely competent.
ULTRACREPIDATEultracrepidate v. To venture beyond one’s competence or purview.
ULTRACREPIDATE v. to criticize beyond sphere of one's knowledge.
ULTRACENTRIFUGEultracentrifuge n. A high-speed centrifuge, especially one free from convection that is used to separate colloidal particles.
ultracentrifuge v. To submit a material to ultracentrifugation.
ULTRACENTRIFUGE v. to subject to the action of an ultracentrifuge, a very high-speed type of centrifuge.
ULTRACOMMERCIALultracommercial adj. Extremely commercial or commercialized.
ULTRACOMMERCIAL adj. extremely commercial.
ULTRACONVENIENTultraconvenient adj. Extremely convenient.
ULTRACONVENIENT adj. extremely convenient.
ULTRACREPIDATEDultracrepidated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ultracrepidate.
ULTRACREPIDATE v. to criticize beyond sphere of one's knowledge.
ULTRACREPIDATESultracrepidates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ultracrepidate.
ULTRACREPIDATE v. to criticize beyond sphere of one's knowledge.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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