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There are 6 words containing LOROS

CHLOROSESchloroses n. Plural of chlorosis.
CHLOROSIS n. a wasting disease (green sickness) typically affecting young women, characterized by anaemia, extreme lassitude and a greenish tinge of the skin.
CHLOROSISchlorosis n. (Pathology, countable) An anaemia, due to deficiency of iron, characterized by a yellow-green colouration…
chlorosis n. (Botany, phytopathology, uncountable) A yellowing of plant tissue due to loss or absence of chlorophyll.
CHLOROSIS n. a wasting disease (green sickness) typically affecting young women, characterized by anaemia, extreme lassitude and a greenish tinge of the skin.
CHLOROSISESCHLOROSIS n. a wasting disease (green sickness) typically affecting young women, characterized by anaemia, extreme lassitude and a greenish tinge of the skin.
DOLOROSOdoloroso adv. (Music) plaintively; pathetically.
DOLOROSO adj. (Italian) having a mournful musical quality.
OLOROSOoloroso n. A type of sherry, darker and smoother than fino sherry, used as a base for sweetened sherries.
OLOROSO n. (Spanish) a golden-coloured medium-sweet sherry.
OLOROSOSolorosos n. Plural of oloroso.
OLOROSO n. (Spanish) a golden-coloured medium-sweet sherry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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