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There are 11 words containing LOPIA

CYCLOPIANcyclopian adj. Alternative form of cyclopean.
CYCLOPIAN adj. relating to a prehistoric Greek style of masonry with immense stones of irregular form, also CYCLOPEAN.
DIPLOPIAdiplopia n. (Pathology) An ophthalmologic condition where one perceives two images; double vision.
DIPLOPIA n. a disorder of vision in which two images of a single object are seen.
DIPLOPIASdiplopias n. Plural of diplopia.
DIPLOPIA n. a disorder of vision in which two images of a single object are seen.
HAPLOPIAhaplopia n. Binocular single vision, as opposed to diplopia.
HAPLOPIA n. normal vision.
HAPLOPIASHAPLOPIA n. normal vision.
HEMERALOPIAhemeralopia n. (Medicine) The inability to see clearly in bright light; day blindness.
hemeralopia n. (Medicine, archaic) Night blindness.
HEMERALOPIA n. the condition of seeing well at night or in partial darkness, while the day sight is poor.
HEMERALOPIAShemeralopias n. Plural of hemeralopia.
HEMERALOPIA n. the condition of seeing well at night or in partial darkness, while the day sight is poor.
INTRAFALLOPIANintrafallopian adj. Within the Fallopian tube.
INTRAFALLOPIAN adj. within, or introduced into, (either of) the Fallopian tubes.
NYCTALOPIAnyctalopia n. (Medicine) The inability to see clearly in dim light; night blindness.
NYCTALOPIA n. reduced visual capacity in faint light (as at night), night blindness.
NYCTALOPIASnyctalopias n. Plural of nyctalopia.
NYCTALOPIA n. reduced visual capacity in faint light (as at night), night blindness.
SALOPIANSalopian n. A person from Shropshire.
Salopian n. A pupil of Shrewsbury School.
Salopian adj. (Britain) of or from Shropshire.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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