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There are 13 words containing LONGH

LONGHAIRlonghair n. A person with hair longer than the norm, especially someone viewed as bohemian, non-conventional or a hippie.
longhair n. A person with a deep interest in the classical arts, especially music.
longhair n. A person considered to have excessively refined taste for the arts.
LONGHANDlonghand n. The written characters used in the common method of writing; opposed to shorthand, or typing or printing; handwriting.
longhand adv. Written by hand in normal characters, as opposed to shorthand.
longhand adv. Written by hand (with pen or pencil), rather than printed out; handwritten.
LONGHEADLONGHEAD n. a person having a long skull.
LONGHORNlonghorn n. A breed of beef cattle, having long horns, bred in Texas and other parts of southwest United States.
LONGHORN n. one of a breed of long-horned cattle.
LONGHAIRSlonghairs n. Plural of longhair.
long␣hairs n. Plural of long hair.
LONGHAIR n. an intellectual; one having a deep interest in the arts, especially in classical music.
LONGHANDSlonghands n. Plural of longhand.
LONGHAND n. ordinary handwriting, as distinguished from shorthand or typing or printing.
LONGHEADSLONGHEAD n. a person having a long skull.
LONGHORNSlonghorns n. Plural of longhorn.
LONGHORN n. one of a breed of long-horned cattle.
LONGHOUSElonghouse n. A long communal housing of the Iroquois and some other American Indians, the Malaysians, the Indonesians…
longhouse n. (Obsolete, euphemistic) An outhouse: an outbuilding used for urination and defecation.
long-house n. Alternative form of longhouse.
LONGHAIREDlonghaired adj. Having long hair.
longhaired adj. (Sometimes derogatory) Artistic or intellectual.
longhaired adj. (Derogatory) Hippie-like.
LONGHEADEDlongheaded adj. Having unusual foresight or sagacity.
long-headed adj. Having good intellectual powers: sagacious.
LONGHEADED adj. having unusual foresight or sagacity.
LONGHOUSESlonghouses n. Plural of longhouse.
long-houses n. Plural of long-house.
long␣houses n. Plural of long house.
LONGHEADEDNESSlongheadedness n. The quality of being longheaded.
LONGHEADED n. having unusual foresight or sagacity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 86 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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