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There are 10 words containing LMONE

ALMONERalmoner n. One who distributes alms, especially the doles and alms of religious houses, almshouses.
almoner n. One who dispenses alms for another, as the almoner of a prince, bishop.
almoner n. A title given to a royal officer charged with the duty of distributing alms or bounty on behalf of a monarch.
ALMONERSalmoners n. Plural of almoner.
ALMONER n. a giver of alms; a social worker in a hospital, also ALMNER.
PULMONESPULMO n. (Latin) a lung.
SALMONELLAsalmonella n. Any of the serotypes of the two species of rod-shaped bacteria, of the genus Salmonella, especially…
salmonella n. Food poisoning, especially in humans, caused by such organisms.
Salmonella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Enterobacteriaceae – the salmonella bacteria.
SALMONELLAEsalmonellae n. Plural of salmonella.
SALMONELLA n. a genus of rodlike bacteria, associated with poisoning by contaminated food.
SALMONELLASsalmonellas n. Plural of salmonella.
SALMONELLA n. a genus of rodlike bacteria, associated with poisoning by contaminated food.
SALMONELLOSESsalmonelloses n. Plural of salmonellosis.
SALMONELLOSIS n. infection with or disease caused by salmonellae.
SALMONELLOSISsalmonellosis n. (Pathology) Any of several diseases caused by infection with Salmonella bacteria.
SALMONELLOSIS n. infection with or disease caused by salmonellae.
SALMONETsalmonet n. A salmon of small size; a samlet.
SALMONET n. a young salmon, also SAMLET.
SALMONETSsalmonets n. Plural of salmonet.
SALMONET n. a young salmon, also SAMLET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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