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There are 11 words containing LLOME

PHYLLOMEphyllome n. (Botany) A foliar part of a plant; any organ homologous with a leaf, or produced by metamorphosis of a leaf.
PHYLLOME n. a leaf of a plant.
ALLOMERICallomeric adj. Relating to allomerism.
ALLOMERIC adj. of similar crystalline structure.
ALLOMETRYallometry n. (Biology) Disproportionate growth of a part of a living organism in relation to the whole.
allometry n. (Biology) The science studying the differential growth rates of the parts of a living organism.
ALLOMETRY n. the study of growth of a part of an organism in relation to the whole.
PHYLLOMESphyllomes n. Plural of phyllome.
PHYLLOME n. a leaf of a plant.
ALLOMERISMallomerism n. (Chemistry) Variability in chemical composition without variation in crystalline form.
ALLOMERISM n. similarity of crystalline structure in substances of different chemical composition.
ALLOMEROUSallomerous adj. (Chemistry) Characterized by allomerism.
ALLOMEROUS adj. exhibiting allomerism, similarity of crystalline structure in substances of different chemical composition.
ALLOMETRICallometric adj. Of or pertaining to allometry.
allometric adj. (Mathematics, of a population) That grows at a rate proportional to a power of another population.
ALLOMETRIC adj. relating to allometry, the study of growth of a part of an organism in relation to the whole.
ALLOMERISMSALLOMERISM n. similarity of crystalline structure in substances of different chemical composition.
ALLOMETRIESallometries n. Plural of allometry.
ALLOMETRY n. the study of growth of a part of an organism in relation to the whole.
SCINTILLOMETERscintillometer n. (Physics) A device that measures fluctuations in the Earth’s atmosphere.
scintillometer n. (Physics) A scintillation counter.
SCINTILLOMETER n. instrument measuring scintillation of star.
SCINTILLOMETERSscintillometers n. Plural of scintillometer.
SCINTILLOMETER n. instrument measuring scintillation of star.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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