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There are 19 words containing LIVIN

KEELIVINEkeelivine n. Synonym of keelyvine pen.
KEELIVINE n. (Scots) a lead pencil, also KEELYVINE.
KEELIVINESKEELIVINE n. (Scots) a lead pencil, also KEELYVINE.
LIVINGliving v. Present participle of live.
living adj. Having life; alive.
living adj. In use or existing.
LIVINGLYlivingly adv. In actual living experience; really, vitally.
livingly adv. Realistically; as if experienced in life or as if alive.
LIVINGNESSlivingness n. The state or quality of being alive; possession of energy or vigour; animation.
LIVINGNESS n. the state of being alive.
LIVINGNESSESlivingnesses n. Plural of livingness.
LIVINGNESS n. the state of being alive.
LIVINGSlivings n. Plural of living.
Livings prop.n. A surname.
LIVING n. a means of subsistence.
MISLIVINGmisliving v. Present participle of mislive.
misliving n. (Archaic) Sinful living.
MISLIVE v. to live a bad life.
NONLIVINGnonliving adj. Alternative spelling of non-living.
non-living adj. Not living; inanimate.
NONLIVING adj. not living.
NONLIVINGSNONLIVING n. something not living.
OLIVINEolivine n. (Mineralogy, geology) Any of a group of olive green magnesium-iron silicate minerals that crystallize…
OLIVINE n. a mineral, iron and magnesium silicate, used as a refractory and in cements.
OLIVINESolivines n. Plural of olivine.
OLIVINE n. a mineral, iron and magnesium silicate, used as a refractory and in cements.
OLIVINIColivinic adj. Of or relating to the mineral olivine.
OLIVINIC adj. of or like olivine, a mineral, iron and magnesium silicate.
OLIVINITIColivinitic adj. (Mineralogy) Containing or relating to olivinite.
OLIVINITIC adj. of or like olivenite.
OUTLIVINGoutliving v. Present participle of outlive.
OUTLIVE v. to live longer than.
OVERLIVINGoverliving v. Present participle of overlive.
OVERLIVE v. to outlive.
RELIVINGreliving v. Present participle of relive.
reliving n. The act by which something is relived.
RELIVE v. to experience again.
SLIVINGsliving v. Present participle of slive.
sliving adj. (Neologism) Glamorous and classy.
SLIVE v. to slip.
UNLIVINGunliving adj. Not living; unalive, dead, inanimate.
UNLIVE v. to live so as to make amends for.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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