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There are 5 words containing LEREN

FULLERENEfullerene n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any of a class of allotropes of carbon having hollow molecules whose atoms lie…
fullerene n. (Organic chemistry) Any closed-cage compound having twenty or more carbon atoms consisting entirely…
fullerene n. (Chemistry, by extension) The class of carbon allotropes consisting of tubular carbon molecules (carbon…
FULLERENESfullerenes n. Plural of fullerene.
FULLERENE n. a ball-shaped molecule consisting of carbon atoms.
SCLERENCHYMAsclerenchyma n. (Botany) A mechanical ground tissue, impermeable to water, which consists of cells having narrow lumen…
sclerenchyma n. (Zoology) The hard calcareous deposit in the tissues of the stony corals (Anthozoa).
SCLERENCHYMA n. plant tissue consisting of cells with thick lignified walls.
SCLERENCHYMASsclerenchymas n. Plural of sclerenchyma.
SCLERENCHYMA n. plant tissue consisting of cells with thick lignified walls.
SCLERENCHYMATAsclerenchymata n. Plural of sclerenchyma.
SCLERENCHYMA n. plant tissue consisting of cells with thick lignified walls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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