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There are 17 words containing LEATI

BLEATINGbleating v. Present participle of bleat.
bleating n. A noise that bleats.
bleating n. Inane or plaintive chatter.
CLEATINGcleating v. Present participle of cleat.
CLEAT v. to strengthen with a cleat.
PLEATINGpleating v. Present participle of pleat.
pleating n. An action or arrangement in which something is pleated.
PLEATING n. a set of pleats.
BLEATINGSbleatings n. Plural of bleating.
BLEATING n. the cry of a sheep.
PLEATINGSpleatings n. Plural of pleating.
PLEATING n. a set of pleats.
BLEATINGLYbleatingly adv. With bleating sounds.
MALLEATINGmalleating v. Present participle of malleate.
MALLEATE v. to hammer; to beat into a plate or leaf.
MALLEATIONmalleation n. The act or process of beating into a plate, sheet, or leaf, as a metal; extension by beating.
malleation n. A hammering movement of the hands against the thighs, a form of tic.
MALLEATION n. hammering; a hammer-mark or dent.
NUCLEATINGnucleating v. Present participle of nucleate.
nucleating adj. That encourages nucleation.
NUCLEATE v. to form into a nucleus.
NUCLEATIONnucleation n. (Physics) The first stage of a phase transition in a small region.
nucleation n. (Biology) The formation of cell nuclei.
NUCLEATION n. the act of nucleating.
COMPLEATINGcompleating v. Present participle of compleat.
COMPLEAT v. (archaic) to complete.
ENUCLEATINGenucleating v. Present participle of enucleate.
ENUCLEATE v. to bring or peel out, as a kernel from its enveloping husks or shell.
ENUCLEATIONenucleation n. (Surgery) The surgical removal of an intact organ, especially of the eye and of cysts and tumors.
enucleation n. (Microbiology) The removal of the nuclear body of a cell.
enucleation n. Explanation.
MALLEATIONSmalleations n. Plural of malleation.
MALLEATION n. hammering; a hammer-mark or dent.
NUCLEATIONSnucleations n. Plural of nucleation.
NUCLEATION n. the act of nucleating.
OUTBLEATINGoutbleating v. Present participle of outbleat.
OUTBLEAT v. to surpass in bleating.
ENUCLEATIONSenucleations n. Plural of enucleation.
ENUCLEATION n. clarification, explanation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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