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There are 10 words containing LAZAR

LAZARlazar n. (Archaic) Synonym of leper: a person suffering from Hansen’s disease; a person suffering any contagious…
lazar adj. (Archaic) Synonym of leprous: afflicted by Hansen’s disease; afflicted by any contagious disease requiring…
Lazar prop.n. A British surname.
BLAZARblazar n. (Astronomy) A very compact quasar, associated with a supermassive black hole at the center of an active galaxy.
blazar n. (Astronomy) An object which is either an optically violent variable quasar (OVV quasar) or a BL Lac…
BLAZAR n. a type of active galaxy that is a more energetic source of radiation than a quasar.
LAZARSlazars n. Plural of lazar.
Lazars n. Plural of Lazar.
LAZAR n. a leper or person with similar pestilential disease.
BLAZARSblazars n. Plural of blazar.
BLAZAR n. a type of active galaxy that is a more energetic source of radiation than a quasar.
LAZARETlazaret n. Synonym of lazaretto.
LAZARET n. (Italian) a hospital treating infectious diseases, also LAZARETTE, LAZARETTO.
LAZARETSlazarets n. Plural of lazaret.
LAZARET n. (Italian) a hospital treating infectious diseases, also LAZARETTE, LAZARETTO.
LAZARETTElazarette n. Obsolete spelling of lazaret.
LAZARETTE n. (Italian) a hospital treating infectious diseases, also LAZARET, LAZARETTO.
LAZARETTOlazaretto n. (Historical).
lazaretto n. (By extension, nautical) A place at the front of the tweendecks of a merchant ship where provisions are stored.
LAZARETTO n. (Italian) a hospital treating infectious diseases, also LAZARET, LAZARETTE.
LAZARETTESlazarettes n. Plural of lazarette.
LAZARETTE n. (Italian) a hospital treating infectious diseases, also LAZARET, LAZARETTO.
LAZARETTOSlazarettos n. Plural of lazaretto.
LAZARETTO n. (Italian) a hospital treating infectious diseases, also LAZARET, LAZARETTE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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