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There are 18 words containing LAVOR

FLAVORflavor n. The quality produced by the sensation of taste or, especially, of taste and smell in combined effect.
flavor n. A substance used to produce a taste. Flavoring.
flavor n. A variety (of taste) attributed to an object.
FLAVOREDflavored adj. US standard spelling of flavoured.
flavored v. Simple past tense and past participle of flavor.
FLAVOR v. to impart a special taste to, also FLAVOUR.
FLAVORERflavorer n. One who or that which flavors.
FLAVORER n. one that flavors, also FLAVOURER.
FLAVORERSflavorers n. Plural of flavorer.
FLAVORER n. one that flavors, also FLAVOURER.
FLAVORFULflavorful adj. Full of flavor.
FLAVORFUL adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURFUL.
FLAVORFULLYflavorfully adv. In a flavorful manner.
FLAVORFUL adv. full of flavor, also FLAVOURFUL.
FLAVORIERFLAVORY adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURY.
FLAVORIESTFLAVORY adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURY.
FLAVORINGflavoring n. (American spelling) Something that gives flavor, usually a food ingredient.
flavoring v. Present participle of flavor.
FLAVORING n. something that adds flavor.
FLAVORINGSflavorings n. Plural of flavoring.
FLAVORING n. something that adds flavor.
FLAVORISTflavorist n. A scientist who develops flavors.
FLAVORIST n. a person who creates flavourings for drinks, perfumes, etc., also FLAVOURIST.
FLAVORISTSflavorists n. Plural of flavorist.
FLAVORIST n. a person who creates flavourings for drinks, perfumes, etc., also FLAVOURIST.
FLAVORLESSflavorless adj. Lacking taste or flavor; without seasoning, spice, or discernible qualities of taste.
flavorless adj. Flat; lacking character or definition.
flavorless adj. (Physics) Without flavor.
FLAVOROUSflavorous adj. Having flavour; flavorsome.
FLAVOROUS adj. full of flavor.
FLAVORSflavors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flavor.
FLAVOR v. to impart a special taste to, also FLAVOUR.
FLAVORSOMEflavorsome adj. Characterised or marked by flavor(s); flavorful.
FLAVORSOME adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURSOME.
FLAVORYflavory adj. Alternative form of flavoury.
FLAVORY adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURY.
UNFLAVOREDunflavored adj. Not flavored; having no flavor.
UNFLAVORED adj. not flavored, also UNFLAVOURED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 77 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 245 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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