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There are 9 words containing LASTA

CHLOROPLASTALchloroplastal adj. Relating to a chloroplast.
CHLOROPLASTAL adj. of or like a chloroplast, also CHLOROPLASTIC.
ELASTANCEelastance n. (Physics) An electrical property that is the inverse of capacitance.
elastance n. (Mechanics) The inverse of compliance.
elastance n. (Medicine) A measurement of the tendency of the lung, urinary bladder, gallbladder or other cavity to…
ELASTANCESelastances n. Plural of elastance.
ELASTANCE n. the reciprocal of the capacity of a condenser, from its electromechanical analogy with a spring.
ELASTANEelastane n. Spandex, lycra.
ELASTANE n. a synthetic fibre that retains its shape after being stretched.
ELASTANESELASTANE n. a synthetic fibre that retains its shape after being stretched.
ELASTASEelastase n. An endopeptidase enzyme involved in the breakdown of elastin.
ELASTASE n. an enzyme found in the pancreatic juice that decomposes elastin.
ELASTASESelastases n. Plural of elastase.
ELASTASE n. an enzyme found in the pancreatic juice that decomposes elastin.
LASTAGElastage n. (Obsolete) A duty exacted, in some fairs or markets, for the right to carry things where one will.
lastage n. (Obsolete) A tax on wares sold by the last.
lastage n. (Obsolete) The lading of a ship; ballast.
LASTAGESlastages n. Plural of lastage.
LASTAGE n. a duty formerly paid for the right of carrying goods, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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