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There are 12 words containing LARET

CELLARETcellaret n. A deep, often metal-lined drawer in a sideboard used for storing wines and liquors.
CELLARET n. a cabinet for wine bottles.
CELLARETScellarets n. Plural of cellaret.
CELLARET n. a cabinet for wine bottles.
CELLARETTEcellarette n. A drinks cabinet.
CELLARETTE n. a case or drawer for holding wine bottles, also CELLARET.
CELLARETTEScellarettes n. Plural of cellarette.
CELLARETTE n. a case or drawer for holding wine bottles, also CELLARET.
CLARETclaret n. (Chiefly Britain) A dry red wine produced in the Bordeaux region of France, or a similar wine made elsewhere.
claret n. (Color) A deep purplish-red colour, like that of the wine.
claret n. (Britain, colloquial) Blood.
CLARETEDclareted v. Simple past tense and past participle of claret.
CLARET v. to drink a red dry wine.
CLARETINGclareting v. Present participle of claret.
CLARET v. to drink a red dry wine.
CLARETSclarets n. Plural of claret.
Clarets n. Plural of Claret.
CLARET v. to drink a red dry wine.
COLLARETcollaret n. Alternative form of collarette (small collar).
COLLARET n. a small collar.
COLLARETScollarets n. Plural of collaret.
COLLARET n. a small collar.
COLLARETTEcollarette n. A small collar, especially as a kind of necklace of lace, fur etc. for women; a ruff.
collarette n. A type of dahlia having a small collar of short inner petals.
collarette n. The jagged circle in the mid-diameter of the iris, separating the darker shade of the iris from the…
COLLARETTEScollarettes n. Plural of collarette.
COLLARETTE n. (French) a small collar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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